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Monday, October 15, 2018

CNN Goes Racist: Kanye West’s Oval Office Performance Was ‘a Minstrel Show’

Thursday on CNN’s “The Situation Room,” network host Don Lemon called hip-hop star Kanye West’s appearance in the Oval Office today “a minstrel show.”

Lemon said, “I have no animosity for Kanye West. I’m just going to be honest, and I may get in a lot of trouble for it. I actually feel bad for him. What I saw was a minstrel show today—him in front of all these white people, mostly white people embarrassing himself and embarrassing Americans but mostly African Americans because every one of them is sitting either at home or with their phones watching this, cringing.”



  1. Never watched Lemon, and don't plan to but if CNN's audience is primarily white then he's doing what he accused West of.

    Big exception, of course, is that West was invited to The White House on one occasion. Lemon, on the other hand, is stuck at CNN with his daily minstrel show, and he's certainly not a headliner; barely qualifies as an opening act.

    If life gives you Lemon, change the channel.

  2. Yet he can make these racist comments and still keep his job, but if a white conservative or white person like Rosanne makes a comment like this, they get fired and shamed for being a racist bigot.

    Outrageous double standard in the left wing media!


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