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Monday, October 08, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court will radicalize the Democratic Party

When Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, announced that she was providing Republicans with the votes necessary to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court, I imagine liberals felt something similar to the way that conservatives felt when the Democratic majority passed Obamacare.

After all, Obamacare was an unpopular piece of legislation — there were moments when it seemed in danger; conservatives rallied and placed their hopes on a handful of self-proclaimed centrist Democrats. In the end, it didn’t matter. All that mattered, conservatives were reminded, is that the party in power has the ability to impose its will on the rest of the nation, and the only way to change this is to win elections. The anger that followed fueled a Republican takeover of the House and, eventually, the Senate.

To conservatives, the confirmation of Kavanaugh is the culmination of a decadeslong quest to secure a conservative majority on the Supreme Court in the hopes of restoring a more faithful obedience to the Constitution. It is seen as a triumph over a nasty, coordinated attempt at character assassination, an all-too-familiar tactic deployed by the Left. Going back to Robert Bork, and on through Clarence Thomas and Miguel Estrada, Democrats have been vicious in efforts to block conservative judicial nominees, and this time, they failed.



  1. I would say they were pretty radical before that nomination!
    They are more energized, vocal, and violent now!

  2. Agree. It becomes increasingly obvious, especially since the 2016 election, that the left has lost the ability for cognitive thinking. I think they are overwhelmed with emotion and therefore cannot "see the trees for the forest". Even with every positive indicator today they would rather backslide into the abyss than agree with a conservative.

  3. The democrats remind me of that kid at the grocery store - you know that kid - the one throwing a temper tantrum because he didn't get the cereal he wanted and is now screaming at the top of his lungs because he knows the more he screams the more he embarrasses his mother and she gives in because it worked last time.
    Think about that. Am I right? Very similar, isn't it? Almost worked last week.
    Luckily, Susan Collins is a strong Senate mom and didn't give them what they wanted.

  4. They were already radicalized...EVIL people at best.

  5. How much more radicalized can they get? They've already embraced satanism, voodoo and globalism, so what's next?

    1. Socialism disguised as the new Democratic platform!

  6. Just think of the fun if Ginsburg didn't wake up one morning in the next week!

  7. We Democrats do not tolerate people being treated badly, abused or separated from families. These are the reasons we are upset. Republicans on the other hand have zero regard for human life unless that life is white, supports the NRA and waves their Confederate Flag or MAGA hat. That's the difference!


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