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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

WALSH: Dear Republicans, Stop Being Cowards And Confirm Kavanaugh

To paraphrase Benjamin Franklin: nothing in this life is certain, except death and taxes and the cowardice of Republicans.

Indeed, this whole Kavanaugh circus could have been avoided from the start, if not for GOP cowardice. President Trump was advised to nominate Brett Kavanaugh rather than Amy Barrett because Republicans were concerned that Barrett's social conservatism might upset Democrats. Of course, Democrats have no power, so it doesn't matter what upsets them. Yet Republicans still decided to go with a milder figure in hopes of avoiding any nasty altercations with the powerless opposition party.

What they don't understand, somehow, is that Democrats will be nasty no matter what. They will treat every Republican measure, legislation, or appointment, as the end of human civilization. They are permanently stuck on the DEFCON 1 setting. So, if they're going to panic regardless, you might as well give them something to panic about. And, as I said, it doesn't matter if they panic. Republicans have the power to shove whatever they want down the Democrats' throats. But they are too scared to use that power. They compromise even when there is no reason to compromise, and even though the other side will not accept anything but complete surrender.



  1. What these clowns fail to realize is that they could publicly tell the dumbocrats to screw themselves, hold the vote to confirm Justice Kavanaugh, and NOT lose a single voter group!

  2. Agree with the above 100%


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