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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Bolton: China ‘Very Dangerous, Very Aggressive’ in South China Sea

National Security Advisor John Bolton warned of China’s “very dangerous, very aggressive” moves in the South China Sea in a television interview Sunday, citing China’s colonization of the sovereign territories of other nations as high on the list of concerns President Donald Trump will bring to the United Nations this week.

The UN is holding its annual General Assembly debate starting Tuesday when Trump is scheduled to speak. At the debate, heads of state are welcome to offer remarks on whatever issues they deem important enough to bring forward to their global peers.

Bolton offered a preview of the issues on Trump’s mind ahead of this week on the Fox News Sunday Morning Futures program.

Bolton said Trump was planning a speech to the General Assembly on “American sovereignty, how that fits into America’s place in the world as a whole.”

“And we have got major issues with two of the world’s other powers, China on trade and on broader issues of geostrategic conflict, and Russia, where we’re confronting in a number of different areas,” Bolton noted, adding that China appears to be “still trying to figure out what the president’s up to” on trade.

Bolton emphasized that trade negotiations with China were a small part of the concerning behavior China has exhibited around the world.

“I think a lot of people don’t understand exactly what’s at stake here. And I think the president will address this. This is not just an economic issue. This is not just talking about tariffs and the terms of trade. This is a question of power,” Bolton said.



  1. Bolton will always find a good excuse for a global war. For that, he can be counted on.

  2. Really wasn't aware of thst. How do I fact check that?

  3. 4:42.....pretty stupid, aren't you?

    China builds (CREATES) artificial islands in a hotly disputed area, then tell the world that they now have the exclusionary zone around those islands. AND they start threatening the USA for traveling though what USED TO BE open seas.
    In your view, WE are looking for war???
    You should check out what their navy is doing to the other countries in that area --- countries that are too weak to challenge them.
    The USA will erase China from the map. We wouldn't even need to let the Marines off the leash.
    They know it, too.


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