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Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Vietnam Veterans Against McCain


  1. #1
    McCains Admiral daddy covered up his Hotshot Action which killed 134 sailors.
    McVain left his 1st wife Carol because she got into a disfigurement accident while he was in Vietnam which she needed major surgery including removing 4" of her leg she also gained weight but welcomed him home with there 3 kids what did John do he CHEATED on his wife and kids with Cindy while he was STILL MARRIED.
    McCains connection to a non profit took $1 million from the Saudis to stop 9/11 Families in suing the Saudi govt
    Anyone who plans there own 6 day funeral is a ego maniac.

    These are ALL FACTS

  2. This is old news that so many people have forgotten. John McCain was not a "War Hero" like the MSM has been puking for the past few weeks.

  3. As usual - President Trump was correct when he said he was no hero....

  4. Look at the pics of McCain in captivity he was well fed compared to his other captors who were skin and bones.

  5. Glad you posted this video McCain was a known spoiled Traitor to America and rode on his admiral daddys coat tales.

  6. McCain not only did all these evil deeds back in the day; he continued these evil deeds until his death. If you follow Q you would see ALL they have on this Traitor.

    Thank you 10:19 for your list.

  7. Just remember Benedict Arnold was a patriot and a war hero before he became a traitor.

    1. John McCain is and always was a Traitor.

  8. Did I read that right??

    A RETIRED corporal??? Was he busted down just before he "retired"?

  9. Did you see the video where a woman from some vet group described McCain backhanding a woman and raising his arm to hit an elderly woman in a wheelchair? Evidently, McCain had an anger issue. Well, a few issues actually.

  10. I’m guessing that the retired corporal was seriously wounded and medically retired at that grade. Happens frequently when in combat situations.


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