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Tuesday, September 04, 2018

American Bar Association: Kavanaugh ‘Well Qualified’ for Supreme Court

The American Bar Association (ABA) rated Judge Brett Kavanaugh “well qualified” for the U.S. Supreme Court on Friday, the highest rating possible from the organization that Senate Democrats call the “gold standard” for nominees, boosting the prospects for President Donald Trump’s second nominee to the nation’s highest court.

Although many everyday Americans assume the ABA is an official body for the legal profession, it is actually a private organization to which less than 35 percent of the nation’s 1.3 million lawyers belong. However, most states require a person to graduate from an ABA-accredited law school as a precondition for taking that state’s bar exam to obtain a license to become a lawyer, making it a gatekeeper to becoming a practicing attorney.

Moreover, the ABA is a large and powerful organization, the opinion of which carries significant weight in legal circles. But the ABA is also a leftwing organization, frequently taking the liberal side on issues ranging from the Second Amendment, to the LGBT agenda, to national sovereignty, to immigration.

In fact, liberal senators like Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Patrick Leahy (D-VT) have declared that ABA ratings are “the gold standard by which judicial candidates are judged.”

On Friday, the ABA declared that Kavanaugh – who is currently a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit – is “well qualified” for the Supreme Court. That is the highest rating the ABA can give. The vote was unanimous.



  1. I hope that crabby old lady goes in her sleep, and Pres. Trump gets to pick another one!
    The Liberals will go crazy!

  2. I've been watching the senate , he doesn't have a chance , I've never seen such crap in my 75 years . The democrats should be considered a terrorist organization trying to overthrow our existing government.

    1. Like I have been saying there is going to be a snowflake civil war 2020.

  3. No way I'm blowing the 1st official day of the offseason AND great beach weather for this crap on tv. NO WAY! CLICK!

    CLICK - PS 3 days until TGIF!



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