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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Tucker Carlson busts open Google conspiracy to swing election to Hillary

Tucker Carlson broke an explosive story featuring internal Google documents indicating that the company made a "silent donation" – its own term – to the Hillary Clinton campaign by using its information channeling might to mobilize voters it thought would cast ballots for the Democrats' candidate. The move was unsuccessful, but it illustrates the enormous power to shape elections by bringing some information to the voting public while suppressing other information.

As Carlson points out, if Russian purchases of a hundred thousand bucks' worth of Facebook ads is supposed to be worrisome, the power of Google, which is the information funnel for about 90% of the public, is catastrophe once the giant decides to use its power to control elections.

Both Carlson's initial presentation of the information and his later discussion of its implications with Mark Steyn are embedded below. Breitbart received the texts of the emails in question and features them for your review.

In essence, Eliana Murillo, Google's Multicultural Marketing department head, wrote a series of emails to Google executives, at first carefully maintaining the guise of political neutrality while discussing her (and Google's) efforts to heighten Latino turnout.

But following the shock of Trump's victory, Murillo let the mask slip and revealed the partisan intent, using the words "silent donation" to describe her efforts. This ought to trigger a Federal Election Commission investigation and ought to be grist for legislators contemplating antitrust measures against this near monopoly in information.


1 comment:

  1. I would approve the passing of any campaign finance law, which would include the amount of air time candidates can buy during election years. And limit campaigning to 5 or 6 months. They spend more time selling themselves to the people, when they should be spending more time working FOR the people.


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