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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Bacon Lovers Beware! Cured Meats May Triple Likelihood Of Manic Behavior

Hold the bacon! If you are a fan of beef jerky, salami, hot dogs and other cured meats, you may be putting yourself at risk for manic episodes, according to a new study.

Researchers at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine have discovered an apparent link between consumption of nitrate-cured meats and hospitalization for mania, an elevated mood characterized by hyperactivity, euphoria and insomnia.

Manic episodes, which are associated with bipolar disorder and schizo-affective disorder, may last for weeks or months and can lead to delusional thinking and risk-taking behavior. Researchers seeking to find what factors, other than genetics, cause these abnormal mood states were surprised to find a peculiar dietary link.

“We looked at a number of different dietary exposures and cured meat really stood out,” says lead author Robert Yolken, a professor of neuro-virology in pediatrics with the university, in a statement. “It wasn’t just that people with mania have an abnormal diet.”

More here


  1. Oh, no! Triple??? That's almost twice as much!!!

  2. Now we know why those Democrats are nuts, to much lunch meat!

  3. Just more BS. Five or ten years down the road researchers will say nitrates are good for you. Just like coffee was bad, now it is good for you.

  4. I'm calling BS on this study

  5. That explains why I was arrested this morning for chasing cars.Scrapple was the culprit.

  6. Bring on the bacon!

  7. Real bacon is cured with smoke, not smoke flavors and nitrates. Get real bacon. Lots of it!

  8. 12:58
    Salt cure bacon and ham is pretty tasty too!

  9. Does this explain why Jake Day is such a pinhead? He eats too much bacon 🥓?


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