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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

"Resist Everything": Socialist Within State Department Exposed In Veritas "Deep State" Sting

James O'Keefe and his undercover investigators have once again exposed extreme left-wing activists pursuing a progressive agenda within a position of power - this time infiltrating the State Department.

O'Keefe's team has previously released undercover videos revealing radical leftists at Twitter bragging about "shadow banning" conservatives, Democrat operatives paid by the Clinton campaign engaging in voter fraud, CNN employees admitting that the Trump-Russia story was a "fake news" ratings bonanza, and the "culture of anti-Trump bias" at the New York Times.

In their latest installment, Veritas met Stuart Karaffa - a State Department employee who is also a ranking member of the Metro DCDemocratic Socialists of America who is "engaged in radical socialist political activity on the taxpayer's dime," while actively advocating for "resistance to official government policies," according to Project Veritas.

Mr. Karaffa’s loyalties seem to be with DSA, not with his employer.

Karaffa told an undercover Project Veritas journalist that he performs DSA activism while at work for the State Department. He explained that he drafts DSA communications while on the job at State Department: -Project Veritas

"… I’m careful about it. I don’t leave a paper trail, like I leave emails, and like any press s**t that comes up I leave that until after 5:30. But as soon as 5:31 hits, got my like draft messages ready to send out," says Karaffa, who doesn't believe he'll get caught for pursuing his own agenda within the Department of State.

"Maybe someday I’ll go to board of elections jail, probably not," he said, adding: "I have nothing to lose. It’s impossible to fire federal employees." Karaffa says "nobody knows" about his activism - and that it's easy to circumvent State Department ethics disclosures because "… somebody just rubber stamps [the form] and it goes forward… I don’t know if [the ethics officer is] all there. He’s so checked out…"



  1. The Swamp really is full.

  2. What will anyone in government do about it?

  3. We should take maxies approach on this guy find him harrass him til he quits or moves to a county more suited to his ideals. Better yet fire his butt for treason. These types sicken me, if you hate our country so much why are you here.. most of us dont want comunism..such an ignorant fool

  4. We should take maxies approach on this guy find him harrass him til he quits or moves to a county more suited to his ideals. Better yet fire his butt for treason. These types sicken me, if you hate our country so much why are you here.. most of us dont want comunism..such an ignorant fool


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