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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

FBI: Kavanaugh Allegation 'Does Not Involve Any Potential Federal Crime’

The Department of Justice (DOJ) said Monday that the FBI will not investigate the sexual misconduct allegation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

After refusing to participate in a phone call with Kavanaugh set up by Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA), led by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Democrats on the Judiciary Committee called on the FBI to investigate high school-era allegations against Kavanaugh.

On Tuesday, Feinstein again called on the FBI to investigate the allegation of a local crime 36 years ago when Kavanaugh was 17 and still in high school.

The DOJ, however, told a reporter for the far-left Politico, “The allegation does not involve any potential federal crime.”

Furthermore, the Associated Press reports that in a statement, the DOJ said late Monday that “it’s not the job of the FBI to judge the significance or the credibility of an accusation.”

Nevertheless, Democrats continue to call for the FBI to investigate in the hopes it will put an indefinite hold on the vote for Kavanaugh’s nomination, which has already been postponed.



  1. Even Stevie Wonder could see this was a set up because they knew he would be confirmed and they are taking all stops out. 36 year old charge, repressed memory until 2012. If this memory came out then why did she not say something in 2012?? Lives in California, Democrat, sent donations, DNC, Democrats. Sent letter to Feinstein in July, nothing said, supposedly had a lie detector test done in August showing she told the truth (wonder who gave her that??) Then anonymous letter comes out in Sept at the last moment. Then her name comes out when she thought about it. Schumer was told last week during the hearings he was not doing enough. Looks like they pull all bars on this one. Chris Coons was on CNN and said the Democrats wanted to get the FBI to do an investigation and it would take weeks which would hinder him getting nominated before Oct. I and we all know the Democrats do not want him nominated before the elections. Now, Lo and Behold Mrs. Ford now is requesting the FBI to investigate and will NOT go before Senate on Monday. Wonder who convinced her to make this request?? If there is no Democratic snakes in this woodpile I would really be surprised. Talk about collusion and trying to ruin a good man.

  2. Doesn't take a genius to figure out that the FBI doesn't cover or investigate cases which do not threaten National security. Local police handle that. Wouldn't you think the Democrats would know this law.


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