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Sunday, September 30, 2018

President Donald Trump SHOCKS the World at his Speech to the United Nations General Assembly


  1. Most were shocked with his utter ignorance. This guy is an joke.

    1. As we are with your statement.

    2. Get out of our great county if you done like our President. You would rather stay same oh with cheating fraud like Obama. At least President Trump tells it like it is - no lies. Pos

  2. The msm would have us think the audience was laughing at his initial statement. In actuality, they were laughing at the previous inadequacies of our government and the clowns that failed miserably to provide leadership.

    1. Spell it out OBAMA - instead of previous inadequities

  3. Shocked...as in they all burst out laughing over his ridiculous arrogance out outlandishly false claims?
    Yeah. They were shocked alright.
    What an embarrassment he is.

    1. Trump was making a very clear statement to globalists that the USA will no longer participate in that pipe dream - the laughter you heard was not at all uproarious - rather, that was bee nervous laughter boardering in disbelief

  4. Dave T: Nothing shocking in my opinion, he just told the truth. Maybe that's a shock to most people today who can't handle reality.

  5. "SHOCKED"??? yeah, they are shocked he thought they would actually swallow up the piles of bs he throws out there like his US supporters.

  6. Most incredible speech by a US president that I have ever heard. Was ambivalent about this man initially, however he gives me some hope for saving our country from the Marxist democrat path of destruction. Makes me want to put a trump sticker on my vehicle, however don’t want it vandalized by a butt hurt Marxist democrat.

  7. Great speech, Great president

  8. A very Trumpian speech. It's refreshing to hear the President state in no uncertain terms what the U.S. identity will be in relation to other countries and the Globalist movement. One MSM pundit accused the President of choosing patriotism over Globalism, saying that Trump doesn't know what patriotism is. I think that more people heard the message more clearly than this particular newspaper writer, and share the same sense of pride in and connection to our nation that the President does.

  9. It was better than any Obama speech made before the U.N.

  10. I'm not going to apologize for your loss 12:43. But maybe you will be happy if you let it go and realize President Donald J. Trump flushed your fat loser off the scene. Thank goodness we have a leader instead of the thieves we are use to.

    Trump/Pence 2020!

  11. Trump just always keep mopping up the floor of all these clowns

  12. 12:43 pm - You are way too funny! You speak of 'ignorance', yet, with all your 8th grade education that you tackled, you wrote 'is an joke'. 'An'? Sorry Mister Professor and scholar, should have been 'a'. Looks like you are the true joke! Typical leftist....

  13. Who is the troll at 1243 PM? Please enlighten us with more of your wisdom! This time you might want to use some examples and better yet, maybe some pictures or anime cartoons to help you express your point. At this point, stick-figure drawings would ok.

  14. Read hidden dangers of the rainbow. It exposes the agenda of the NWO, and who what and why....its not pretty. We are the last hold out to fulfilling this agenda. God bless president Trump. He is spot on, but of course the luciferian heads are spinning. Your either a NWO useful idiot or an American patriot cant be both. We can now see who is for a global government and who is not. Long live a free American Republic!!!

  15. LOL, yep 205, a better laugh. When are you people going to understand that just talking, without any regard for facts/truth, does not equate to "telling it how it is", being tough, or being an effective leader?

  16. 12:43, you are stupid.Please go back to California where you belong.

  17. Trump said before world representatives that the U.S. isn't going to be the sucker that it's been in the past, that nations need to pull their regions together and maintain their national integrity, and that undeserving nations won't get our financial assistance.

    Anybody have a problem with that?

    1. No. I don't have any problems with that. This is one of the readire that we have 21 trillion dollars worth of debt. HesH preaching patiotism for every State, not just the United States of America. What do you think that he means by undeserving countries? I doubt that it meant "black" countries.

  18. I'd put Iran at the top of the list of undeserving countries, where radical religion passes for government, women's rights take a back seat to male dominance by law and practice, and international terrorism is a product. Skin color isn't the issue, but some would grab that and try to make it one.

  19. Most people, MSM, Trump's enemies, etc., are fixated on what they perceive as "the world laughing at Trump/this country". Obviously, these same people did NOT watch the entire speech or are so blinded with TDS and hate to realize that is untrue.

    Granted, they chuckled in the beginning when they were surprised Trump said those things, to which none of the U.N. was expecting or accustomed to from prior Presidents or politicians.

    If they had bothered to watch the whole strong, tough, non-PC, shoot-from-the-hip speech, they might have seen quite the opposite.

    After the initial laughter, President Trump went on to call out these leaders, the U.N., failed programs and policies and trade deals/agreements. Along with spanking Iran and calling them what they are, terrorists and state sponsors of terrorists.

    NO ONE was laughing then or afterward. In fact, they applauded him, sought him out to speak with him and even to take a picture with him.

    I am proud of President Trump for making that speech and it makes me proud of America. We FINALLY have a President that is standing up for us and this country, demanding we be treated with respect and not to be taken advantage of any longer.

    He called on these leaders to pay their fair share, to reimburse the U.S. for providing them with military protection. And informed everyone in that room and watching on tv that we will not participate in global decisions that do not allow us to be sovereign and govern ourselves.

    If you think these countries are laughing at him/us after that speech, you are sadly mistakened.

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    LOL, yep 205, a better laugh. When are you people going to understand that just talking, without any regard for facts/truth, does not equate to "telling it how it is", being tough, or being an effective leader?

    September 26, 2018 at 3:34 PM

    We understood that quite well from the previous admin. YOU people need to produce actual instances of President Trump "lying" instead of continually making broad and blanket statements of such without any "facts/truth" to back them up. Go ahead, I'll wait. And I will research each one you claim. (if you can)

    We have President Trump's results staring us in the face each day. Or perhaps you have not heard of the RECORD BREAKING stock market results, or the low unemployment numbers, or any of the many other things President Trump has accomplished while being an "effective leader".

  21. 12:43 and you should have failed English.

  22. Is he great or what?

  23. AWL !!!! Too bad for those Bastards who have been Screwing

    Americans over for decades , while they Laugh at us !!!

    Screw them ALL !!! Trump is ONLY POTUS to stand Up to them !!! It's called Balls & Backbone = Leader !


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