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Sunday, September 30, 2018

Governor Larry Hogan Calls For A Delay In Kavanaugh Vote

“The governor believes there should be a full investigation prior to the process moving forward in any way,” Hogan’s spokeswoman Amelia Chasse stated.

WHAT EVIDENCE? WHAT'S TO INVESTIGATE? It's a he said, she said situation 30 years later. Hogan, (and everyone else) knows this whole thing is a load of crap. 

When I ran for Mayor, Jim Ireton went around making all kinds of statements and lies. Heck, even Julie Brewington made up multiple lies about me. Former Mayor Tilghman went to around 30 people at the Zoo to file false peace orders against me that were all lies. 

These women can very easily LIE and put men in positions in which they have to defend themselves. 

While Jealous is a complete jerk, Hogan must be pretty damn desperate to get his name involved in this crap. 

Politicians today flat out SUCK! I've been watching/experiencing this crap for years. Yesterdays hearing was just that, a hearing. It was NOT a court of law. They can swear to tell the truth and it means NOTHING. I have experienced in a court room, (under oath) flat out LIES, Liberals don't care. I even watched a Judge flat out tear apart the Mayor and Police Chief where 7 direct witnesses testified the police chief yanked Tilghman off of Polk, yet the police chief stated to the press he didn't see a thing. 

How about a male Mayor urinating into a sink in the ladies room with multiple women right there in that bathroom. Can you say, #Metoo?

There is no evidence from Ford. In fact, multiple people testified that they were there at the party and do not recall ANYTHING happening of the sort. It's a witch hunt, period. They need to vote and get it over with, no more delays. Shame on Governor Hogan.


  1. Hogan just proved what an idiot he is, he should have stayed the hell out of it.

  2. Hey, you dumbass Governor of the Peoples Republic of Maryland!!! Two other guys came forward admitting that they did it!! I guess the Dumocraps aren't interested in that!

  3. Appeasing the liberal base. I have finally decided on my vote for Governor. I am not voting for either in the governors race.

  4. I don't care what he says or thinks. He does not support my POTUS so therefore his words and thoughts are not relevant.

  5. Joe, the problem here is how stupid everyone is!!!! Sorry to say... They get off on this crap, they love confrontation and seeing peoples lives ruined as long as it is not their own... You can see by comments, actions, and everything else people don;t give a damn but to be in everyone else business but wants everyone out of theirs... It is a sad day in america when women can lies and falsely accuse someone and when it comes out as a lie, no jail time or fines for wasting tax money and court system or the like, but then the guys name is still tarnish... Just like you said, anyone with a brain and uses it know this is all fake crap... Why wait 30 years later if you were rapped??? Why not go to the police right after ti happened???? why does it always seem to happen when someone is applying for a high governmental position? Why did they wait to release it? Everything the judge said to defend his name is why!!!! Because everyone will just believe what they are told... I find it funny, how they bash this guy call for immediate FBI this or that, but nothing happens when it comes to them, when we want investigations and the like... When you people stop giving a damn about this crap, an when you stand up to fight against it, ans when you show the politicians and media this won't sway you in any way, then maybe something can be done to fix it...

  6. Screw you Larry. You are a RINO

  7. Well that one traitor outed on the republican side. Note taken hogan...do us a favor dont run this year. The stench sickens me. Pander to the commie left much?

  8. who is Hogan trying to impress? low-info Democrats? I guess he thinks he's got us by the balls :(

  9. Stay out of what does not concern you Hogan, you can't even take care of what needs to be attended to in MD so just STFU.

  10. The sad thing is Governor Hogan can do what he wants because he knows we have to vote for him to keep a democrat out of office. I voted for this man and was pleased the first few weeks, until he started the RINO crap and then opposed the good president. I prayed for him with the cancer and still do today. Wake up sir, you are a republican and they are hard to come by in this blue state.

    Hogan Strong!

  11. Dave T: Mr. Hogan words to very very little to express the great disappointment with your administration. You are an abject failure and do not represent conservatives or the people of Maryland. What a total disgrace

  12. They are also not interested in Democrat Ellis beating his wife with pictures to prove it.
    If your honest don't run for any office in Somerset County, The whole county is corrupt.

  13. This is the same "RHINO" Republican that steals money from the State Employee Retirement Fund by not vetoing the budget. He is the same "RHINO" that is restricting / taking away health benefits from seniors / retirees by not vetoing the Democrats bills. He makes me not wanting to vote in another election. First since I was 18 and I am 67. Hogan does not represent Marylanders. He represents Democrats. Hogan is a "PATHITIC" Republican.

  14. There was a Hogan request for campaign $ in my inbox this morning, $ that he'll use to keep Ben Jealous at bay.
    After reading this, no chance he'll get a dime from me.

  15. And that is just another reason I don't like Hogan. I'm a Republican and I voted for him. I have really been disappointed in his governing as a Republican, but acting like a Democrat. I won't vote against him for a second term, but I am not going to vote for him either. My choice for governor of Maryland will be left blank on my ballot. I will let others decide. Crap like this that comes out of his mouth, just playing to his DEMOCRAT base, is what will keep me from being any part of a second term for HIM. If I give Jealous a chance, so be it. It really hasn't been much different with Hogan as governor, that it would have been with a Democrat one. He leans more left, than right. The only thing I can give him credit for is slowing the rise of taxes in Maryland. That's not enough to support him again, when he won't support the party that put him on the ticket. If Baltimore puts him in for a sec0nd term, then that should tell all Maryland Republicans who he really represents. And this latest gaff really tells who he's playing up to. He wants to be governor, but not a Republican.

  16. I am registered Republican, and I refuse to vote for this governor. I will leave the ballad blank and instead write in Mickey Mouse for governor. I think he would do a better job!

    There is no choice this election year for governor, so I will do a protest vote.

  17. Call Hogan's office and tell him what you think.

  18. hogan is a little man who is void of all character, principles and morals. he is a politician guided only by politics and not principles.

  19. Wow. Can this guy be ANYMORE of a democrat?? The ENTIRE Democratic party have made an ASS of themselves over this. Yet Hogan decides he will join the village IDIOTS?? Tell me where he's getting his campaign money!! DEMOCRATS. Thank GOD he won't be around too long.

  20. this shouldn't surprise me but yet it does.has hogan decided that he can sway enough liberal voters to make up for the sure ones he would have had, had he kept his two cents worth of opinion to himself. Remember Mr.Hogan, you have to win the vote, Mr Jealous only needs to get his voters out!

  21. Geez I used to like this guy. He's done plenty since elected to make me not give him my vote next time and if some loser Democrat wins it'll be bc he made it so. Hogan is effectively running off his base.

  22. Hogan doesn't impress anyone he is the same as his side kick Fake Jake, just call him Moaning Hogan, that's all he does has no backbone for what he should do and doesn't represent the Eastern Shore at all. Don't ever re-elect either one two clowns with no brains.

  23. AND the Senator from De, Coons, said it was up to Kav to prove his innocence. I am embarrassed to live in de.


  24. Hogan has needed to walk a fine line as a Republican in a Blue State. I've cut him slack because of this fact, recognizing that on his worst day he's still light years better that the best SocialistDemocrat.

    That said, he stepped in it by opening his yap on this question. Far better to duck the question entirely. And if asked, to rope-a-dope by saying the decision rests with the Senate and both parties are well represented there.

    Dumb ass move; will loose some votes from base and pick up exactly zero from blue voters.

  25. Like others have also previously stated, I am a Republican that voted for Hogan and I despise everything about Ben Jealous. With that being said, I will not vote again for Hogan.

  26. May have to vote Dumbocrat for gov this time.
    He has turned RINO Caught that liberal disease

  27. 8:10 Liberal disease? He deserves to get back his other one instead!

  28. RINO Larry showed his ass at the Forum this past Monday night when he was asked about President Trump. He started out saying that Trump tweets too much. Well, first of all, it's none of his business.

    Then RINO Larry went off on a negative tangent about our President. I won't vote for Ben Jealous but it makes me sick that the MDGOP didn't do anything to find a good candidate to run against RINO Larry. We have a LAME ASS GOP Central Committee in Maryland and in Wicomico County, but their will be some new faces in November.

  29. Anonymous said...
    The sad thing is Governor Hogan can do what he wants because he knows we have to vote for him to keep a democrat out of office. I voted for this man and was pleased the first few weeks, until he started the RINO crap and then opposed the good president. I prayed for him with the cancer and still do today. Wake up sir, you are a republican and they are hard to come by in this blue state.

    Hogan Strong!

    September 28, 2018 at 11:49 AM


  30. Larry Hogan proved that he was a true RINO when he was quick to jump on the Anti-Confederate bandwagon when that sick bastard shot and killed 9 innocent church goers in South Carolina. The media found a picture of a small Confederate Flag on the killers Facebook page and all of a sudden the entire Confederate nation was on trial. Then RINO Nikki Haley demanded that the Confederate Flag come off the General Wade Monument on State Grounds. It flew on the State House for over 50 years until Democrats put enough pressure on the State to take it down. Then an agreement was made to remove it and put it on the General Wade Monument and it would take a super majority vote to take it down. After the Shooting RINO Nikki and the rest of the RINO's in the SC House caved to pressure and removed the flag forever.

    Then immediately RINO Larry Hogan demanded that the State of Maryland revoke all vanity license plates given to the heritage organization the Sons of Confederate Veterans.

    Those innocent churchgoers did not deserve to die and neither does our Southern Heritage. That flag didn't kill anyone.

    Larry Hogan you lost my vote when you pulled this stunt in June of 2015. You are a Douche Bag and this will be your last term if you survive Ben Jealous and the Progressives.

    Hogan wants to recall Confederate plates in Maryland - Baltimore Sun

    Jun 23, 2015 - Larry Hogan will take action to block the state from issuing license ... Hogan “against” Confederate flag license plates, moves to recall tags in Maryland. ... women inside a storied African-American church in Charleston, S.C..

  31. Anonymous said...
    who is Hogan trying to impress? low-info Democrats? I guess he thinks he's got us by the balls :(

    September 28, 2018 at 11:44 AM

    RINO Larry has been trying to impress Democrats since he took office. He knows that he rode the Red Tsunami in office and he knows it was a one-time free ride. He has been kissing Democrats ever since by pouring millions of dollars into Baltimore City and Baltimore City schools. Is he that stupid that he thinks Democrats in Baltimore City are going to vote anything but Democrat?

    Larry Hogan quit wasting my hard earned tax dollars just to buy a few Democrat votes.

  32. Anonymous said...

    Hogan has needed to walk a fine line as a Republican in a Blue State. I've cut him slack because of this fact, recognizing that on his worst day he's still light years better that the best SocialistDemocrat.

    That said, he stepped in it by opening his yap on this question. Far better to duck the question entirely. And if asked, to rope-a-dope by saying the decision rests with the Senate and both parties are well represented there.

    Dumb ass move; will loose some votes from base and pick up exactly zero from blue voters.

    September 28, 2018 at 6:13 PM

    "Dumb ass move; will loose some votes from base and pick up exactly zero from blue voters."

    That's exactly what I have been saying.

  33. Anonymous said...
    May have to vote Dumbocrat for gov this time.
    He has turned RINO Caught that liberal disease

    September 28, 2018 at 8:10 PM

    Are you really that stupid?

  34. The POTUS also called for an investigation and a delay, does that make Trump a Rino??

  35. Hogan endorsed the new gun law Oct 1,if a liberal doctor finds you unfit to have guns the police can come take them.

  36. Hogan is leaning left but still better than the racist democrat running against him.

  37. Stay out of it Governor Hogan. MYOB.


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