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Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Old-School Eulogy at Aretha Franklin Funeral Ignites Wrath

A fiery, old-school eulogist at the funeral of Aretha Franklin fell flat for many in the crowd and prompted a social media uproar when he declared "black America has lost its soul," black women are incapable of raising sons alone and the Black Lives Matter movement is unfounded in the face of black-on-black crime.

And that was just 26 minutes into the nearly 50 minutes of words provided by the Rev. Jasper Williams Jr. of Salem Baptist Church in Atlanta as Franklin's marathon funeral wound down Friday.

At one point, Williams asked: "Where is your soul, black man? As I look in your house, there are no fathers in the home no more."

As for black women, he preached that "as proud, beautiful and fine as our black women are, one thing a black woman cannot do, a black woman cannot raise a black boy to be a man."

He negated the Black Lives Matter movement altogether in light of black-on-black crime, falling back on a rhyming pattern of yore:

"It amazes me how it is when the police kills one of us we're ready to protest, march, destroy innocent property," Williams began. "We're ready to loot, steal whatever we want, but when we kill 100 of us, nobody says anything, nobody does anything. Black on black crime, we're all doing time, we're locked up in our mind, there's got to be a better way, we must stop this today."

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  1. How about that Catholic Jew white hating POS Farrakhan ?
    Sitting next to Clinton .

  2. Unfortunately, when a black person wins at life, it cannot be celebrated as a victory. It must be driven down to the old school race baiting that is the mantra (sp?) . What pigs that destroyed my star's fame.

    And I'm a white guy.

  3. Amen. Truth over political correctness.

  4. To be honest, his sermon was NOT appropriate at that or any funeral.
    What he said was right, but the timing of his remarks had nothing to do with a memorial for one of the best performers to have ever lived.

    1. I hate to say this but it's a FACT the majority of so called black pastors are SELF TAUGHT and a online course WHY to Avoid Taxes ask Al Sharpton.


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