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Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Breaking News: In a major primary upset, Ayanna Pressley won her insurgent House bid in Massachusetts after the Democratic incumbent Michael Capuano conceded.

Ayanna Pressley, 44, is now poised to become the first African-American in the state to be elected to the House of Representatives. There is no Republican on the November ballot in this storied Boston-based district, which was once represented by John F. Kennedy and is one of the most left leaning in the country.


  1. More SOCIALISTS LOL bring it on Dems bc ur DONE .

  2. Haha. 1 AA in Mass House of Reps.

    Yet the south is racist.

    I grew up in the south but took frequent trips to upstate NY all through my childhood. I never heard the N word used until i was in the north. Southern abults had more cooth than to use that word around children I have said it before and i will say it again. The North by far more openly racist than the south because they look at blacks as intruders and the south views them as our neighbors.


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