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Monday, September 24, 2018

Mom in court for taking phone from daughter

HUDSONVILLE, Mich. (WOOD) — A mom said she was punishing her daughter when she took away her cellphone, a punishment she figured would get her point across.

But on Tuesday, that mom was standing before a district judge, her disciplinary action labeled a crime. She was accused of stealing that phone and facing possible jail time.

"I was just being a mom, a concerned parent and disciplining my daughter," said Jodie May of Grandville.

She told 24 Hour News 8 she took the iPhone 6 from her 15-year-old daughter in April after the girl got in trouble in school.

Her ex-husband, though, told police he owned the phone and claimed his ex-wife's punishment was a crime. He filed a complaint with the Ottawa County Sheriff's Office, alleging his ex-wife stole the phone. That led to her arrest in May, though she was immediately released on a $200 bond. She faced a misdemeanor charge of larceny under $200, punishable by up to 93 days in jail.



  1. The dangers of the destruction of the family unit.

  2. How did this Happen? I'll tell you. Because the non-custodial parent either wanted to make trouble for his ex or win points with his child. Both are signs of the problems currently plaguing our society.

  3. That is ridiculous. WTF supports that nonsense!

    I take my kids phone when they are with me half the time. Then they get it back when they go to her house. Their mother bought it without my permission or discussing it with me per court order. Then when the kids kept going over their data she demanded that I start paying her for the phone. NOPE! Court Order B!tch!

    For the record, I don't take it from them and keep it. It's only taken away from them for discipline and it works. They are much better kids when they don't have that damn iPhone.

  4. Sounds like Dad cares more about holding a grudge with the old EX than properly disciplining the daughter. That will bite him in the ass one day!

  5. What the heck is wrong with the justice system here. They are prosecuting this poor woman trying to be a good parent and wasting time and tax payer money on this nonsense, but can't charge or pursue real criminals. I just don't understand what is going on anymore.

  6. The law enforcement/justice system gone stupid. This happens because we let liberals walk all over us. Call or email your Senator today to show your support for Brett.

  7. I think Dad's got a point. It's not Mom's phone to take away. She needs to re-petition the divorce court if she wants rights over phone privileges for her daughter. That phone, provided by her dad, is probably the daughter's only way to communicate with her dad, and I'm sure mom doesn't like it. Mom KNEW whose phone it was, when she took it away from her daughter, and she KNEW it would stop her daughter from being able to speak with her father. She called that "punishment." I love the ones that always side with the Mom....NOT! Sometimes divorced Moms have to learn the hard way that they don't ALWAYS get the benefit of doubt. Good for dad standing up for his right to have phone access with his daughter. But look what he had to do to ex-wife to do keep that access.


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