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Monday, September 24, 2018

Bill Bennett: Where was the liberal outrage over Ted Kennedy?

Conservative icon Bill Bennett said Saturday the uproar over Judge Brett Kavanaugh has exposed Democrats for having a political double standard, asking where was the outcry over former Sen. Ted Kennedy’s involvement in a 1969 car crash on Chappaquiddick Island in Massachusetts that left a woman dead.

Mr. Bennett, who served in the Reagan White House, said on the one hand you have a person in Mr. Kavanaugh who has been accused of being rough with a teenage girl in high school and on the other hand you have “a man of the United States Senate, drunk, he drives his car off a bridge into the water while a young woman is with him.”

“He leaves her to drown and to die,” Mr. Bennett said at the Values Voters Summit in Washington.



  1. Dave T: Very good question. But I'd doubt they'll ever good a good answer because there isn't one.

  2. Where the hell was the outrage more recently with Bill Scumbag Clinton!

  3. What values? We should be ashamed.

  4. Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton did more for women that any other politicians in our history. Lincoln didn't care one bit about women, he just wanted to free people in slavery. FDR didn't care one bit about women, he just wanted to drink scotch and play poker. Well, maybe play with Lucy Mercer, too.

    JFK wanted to help Cubans and really didn't care what happened to women. Jimmy Carter said he lusted in his heart so he didn't care, either. And we all know how much of a horn dog LBJ was. So just lay off Ted and Bill, okay? Now that skanky Hillary, that's another story.

  5. They didn't see or here any of that stuff

  6. Whatever they feel on any given day is the agenda.

  7. 426
    "Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton did more women than any other politicians in history..."

    There. Fixed it for you.

  8. Let's not forget the JFK sexual escapades in the Oral Office.
    Oh, wait, not oral office yet, it was that other Democrat Clinton that made it that way.


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