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Monday, September 24, 2018



  1. I am voting for Trump as well but that should not be a concern until November 7, 2018. Right now we need to make sure none of the Socialists get elected in Wicomico County. There are 3 Socialists we need to be concerned with. Do not vote for Josh Hastings, Michele Gregory or Jamaad Gould. Please vote Republican, vote for their Republican opponents.

  2. Must vote only Republican..must not let a democrat or socialist get any hold what so ever. We are in a fight for our survival vote Republican!!!

  3. Are bumper stickers being made, yet.
    There are way too many SILENT Trump supporters because many of us feel like we are in the minority, due to the constant barrage by the MSM leftists.
    We need to start showing support for his policies.

  4. Has Trump's T shirt been delivered yet?

  5. So am I. I am also voting Republican in Nov. 2018. Democrats disgust me more every day when I look at the news.

  6. I'm in. Never voted for Obama. Very proud to say. President Trump is my president.


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