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Monday, September 24, 2018

Jeb Bush: Americans Urging Immigration Controls 'Threatened' by 'Less White' U.S.

Failed 2016 presidential candidate and former Florida governor Jeb Bush says Americans who are urging for immigration controls are “threatened” by their perception that the United States is “changing” and becoming “less white.”

In a podcast interview with National Review Editor Nordlinger, Bush said immigration controls were “foolhardy” and that illegal alien crime gets too much attention compared to crimes committed by American citizens.

Bush said:

Our party is advocating restricting legal immigration as well. And I think that’s foolhardy beyond belief. There’s a way to reform the legal immigration system that would be a catalyst for sustained economic growth and we need it because our demography is going the wrong way. [Emphasis added]

There are quite a few people that have a larger megaphone if you will that seem either threatened by what they perceive to be a changing country that is less white perhaps … basically, there’s a concern that we’ve lost our way and immigrants are kind of easy to single out with vitriol. [Emphasis added]



  1. Thanks very interesting blog!

  2. Well Low Energy Jeb, thanks to our sitting president the other side of the bush is showing. I am now ashamed that I voted for your brother and father. They , like you and the failed fat candidate are poor sports. Your family is pissed that you didn't make the cut and add to the Bush dynasty. After all it should have been you, you were entitled to it. The family wanted to pass it down. Thank you President Donald J. Trump. You have done a great job since day one and continue. Thank you sir!

  3. As if a Bush has anything meaningful to say.

  4. Bush family need to go away. They have done enough damage to the country already.

  5. Dave T: There was once a time when people actually thought this man had something intelligent to say, but those days are long, long over. Look at big Jeb speaking up for "his" establishment and the hell with the rest of us. I guess Molly Tibbets and her family also don't have any opinion that matters on the topic. Immigration illegally has reached an all time high, and here we have a class A moron trying to define it differently. What a joke. No wonder he lost.

  6. Yes the majority of white Americans are threatened by a mass immigration of poor Latino populations seeking something better than they left (which is a measure not difficult to meet).

    We are threatened by an unarmed invasion of our Country and the abolishment of our culture.


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