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Sunday, September 30, 2018

Is There A Decent Democrat Left In America?

The attempted character assassination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh has brought out the worst in Democrats, every Democrat, everywhere. They’ve convicted a good and decent man of things he wasn’t even falsely accused of, so desperate are progressives to stop someone who believes the Constitution means what it says from sitting on the Supreme Court. From elected officials to unelected Democrats with media credentials, the last two weeks have exposed the Democratic Party as a gaggle of guttersnipes willing to destroy a man for the “crime” of disagreeing with them politically. After watching this unfold, you really have to wonder one thing: Is there a single decent, honest Democrat left in the United States?

The circus Democratic Senators created surrounding the Kavanaugh nomination should serve as a scarlet letter on every single one of them for the rest of their lives and should stain the buildings they’ll fund in their states with our tax dollars with will bare their names. It’s a disgrace.

Accusations that would get laughed out of any court in the land before they got in the door are treated as if they were carved into stone tablets by a burning bush by these charlatans. And now the entrance of Creepy Porn Lawyer with bogus allegations of serial gang rape at parties in the early 80s where no one ever said a word, yet people still voluntarily attended. It’s so stupid it’s funny.

The worst of the worst, at least among those not employed by major newspapers or CNN and MSNBC, are Senators Mazie Hirono of Hawaii and Kirsten Gillibrand from New York. Each, on several occasions, have said things about Judge Kananaugh that would get them sued for their net worth and more if they’d said it about anyone not a public figure.



  1. The answer is NO there are no decent Democrats left in America, they are all so far down into the gutter they have turned into SCUM.

  2. Believe it or not-- there are a few.

    I'm about as conservative as they come and I live in a small town in Indiana. I'm involved in local government, and I am pretty outspoken when it comes to conservative issues.

    Shockingly (even to me), the people I get along with best and agree with most here are d-e-m-o-c-r-a-t-s. I've even had one who is the top official in the county ask me to run for his spot when he retires.. that he will support me.

    The democrats we have been watching for the past few weeks are scumbags, plain and simple. Most of them in Washington are likewise self-serving, deceitful scumbags who are absolutely driven by their raw lust for power and control.

    Just know that there are still a few very good people with somewhat liberal views in the Heartland that are registered democrats, but they do what is best for the community when all is said and done.

    There is some hope. Just not in Washington.

  3. The answer in NO. There is NOT a good democrat anywhere. They are all liars and just all around horrid despicable wastes of oxygen.

  4. How about are there decent DEPLORABLES left in Delaware. WE are not ignorant about how Coons and Carper have treated the citizens in Delaware. The answer is YES and elections are forthcoming.

  5. I would like someone to ask Senator Mathias what he thinks of HIS parties behavior during these hearings.

  6. Like the bumper sticker said, "The only good Democrat, is a Dead one".

  7. Democrats suck. They all suck. Scum of the earth I would piss on everyone of them

  8. There is some hope. Just not in Washington.
    September 28, 2018 at 8:25 PM

    I hope you are right.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    How about are there decent DEPLORABLES left in Delaware. WE are not ignorant about how Coons and Carper have treated the citizens in Delaware. The answer is YES and elections are forthcoming.

    September 28, 2018 at 8:47 PM

    After Coons said what he said, I am embarrassed to live in Delaware.

  9. I left the Democratic Party in the summer of 2016, as Hillary was becoming more and more unstable. But I'd been thinking about it for years, seeing a downward slide in where the Party was heading. I'm glad that I did. I feel so much more clean and focused on things that actually matter.

  10. In answer to the question... NO!

  11. Democrats are fed lies and are encouraged to be angry bout everything. Most Democrats I know cannot defend the liberal position but wouldn’t think of voting for Republican. The irony is they are loyal to something that is destroying their freedom. Ever try to give the truth to a liberal? The scream back with emotion but no facts.

  12. Democrats are fed lies and are encouraged to be angry bout everything. Most Democrats I know cannot defend the liberal position but wouldn’t think of voting for Republican. The irony is they are loyal to something that is destroying their freedom. Ever try to give the truth to a liberal? The scream back with emotion but no facts.

  13. I left the Democrat party after the #walkaway movement started now I’m a Black Republican

  14. You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. Now we know that God’s judgment against those who do such things is based on truth. So when you, a mere human being, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God’s judgment? Romans 2:1-3

  15. Easy question..................Easy answer............NO!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Mathias does not give a rats behind!


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