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Monday, September 17, 2018

Huckabee: Kerry Talking to Iranians 'Makes the Case' for First-Ever Logan Act Conviction

Mike Huckabee reacted Sunday on "Fox & Friends" to former Secretary of State John Kerry for holding private meetings with Iranian officials.

As Fox News reported:

Former Secretary of State John Kerry is being slammed for conducting shadow diplomacy with Iran after admitting to multiple meetings with Iranian officials behind the backs of Trump administration officials -- including over the scrapped nuclear deal.

An administration official on Thursday told Fox News Kerry’s meetings are "shameful," pointing out what Iranian-backed militias are doing to kill and injure people in Syria, Iraq and Yemen.

Other Republicans suggested it may not even be legal.

Huckabee said Kerry could be suited for the first successful prosecution of the Logan Act of 1799, which prohibits conducting unauthorized diplomacy with governments in dispute with the United States.




  1. Where is Sessions. This is a no brainer.

  2. If we had an AG with balls, it would happen.


  3. Kerry should be investigated, indicted, convicted. He knows the rules but think they're for others; lifelong habit. He's tall and lanky; striped jumpsuit would look great on him.


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