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Monday, September 17, 2018

Chuck Schumer demands Senate Judiciary postpone Kavanaugh vote

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., called on the Senate Judiciary Committee on Sunday to postpone a vote on U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh until a sexual misconduct accusation leveled against him is investigated.

“For too long, when women have made serious allegations of abuse, they have been ignored. That cannot happen in this case," Schumer said via a written statement.

Schumer's calls follow the woman accusing Kavanaugh of trying to force himself onto her in the 1980s, when the pair were in high school, coming forward and publicly putting her name to her claim.

Schumer said Sunday that Kavanaugh's credibility was "even more suspect," repeating Democratic attacks based on the federal appeals court judge's tenure in the George W. Bush White House.

"To railroad a vote now would be an insult to the women of America and the integrity of the Supreme Court," Schumer added.

More here


  1. For too long, when women have made serious allegations of abuse, they have been ignored. Wait a minute, it wasn't an issue for 35 years!! Now, it's an emergency?!!

  2. Crying Chuck has no right to demand anything. He is the MINORITY leader. Last time I checked, that was the way things worked in DC.
    It would have been like Ryan or Boehner DEMANDING that the vote on Obamacare be delayed. Yeah, they would have laughed at them, too.

  3. Sorry Chuck! Vote will be held, because well -- you are a loser! Remember, elections have consequences!

  4. he should go watch Pinnochio for the millionth time

  5. Maybe he will cry some more fake tears like he did when President Trump cut off the radical muslims

  6. If they keep digging the might find he peed his bed regularly in elementary school.

  7. No way Schumer. I don't feel sorry for any women who waits 35 years to complain. He was an important judge for many years - you didn't say anything then. How much did they pay you or are you just crazy.

  8. When did Chuck start giving a damn about women?


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