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Friday, September 07, 2018

Hillary Clinton Goes On A TEAR Against Kavanaugh. Twitter DESTROYS Her.

Hillary Clinton is in the midst of a Twitter meltdown over Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, taking charge of the "resistance" (remember, she's their self-declared leader) and marshaling opposition to the president's nominee around "women's rights" and "reproductive rights" issues.

She started bright and early at just after 8 a.m. EST, perhaps after having her morning cup of highly caffeinated coffee, and just went from there, laying out the parameters of a Kavanaugh-created post-apocalyptic hellscape where women are forced to serve as Handmaids because they have to pay for their own birth control. Or something.



  1. She's yesterday's toast. This is the closest she's ever come to supporting "women's rights", or anything else that isn't wholly self serving.

  2. This rapist serial sexual harasser needs to go and climb back into the cess pool from which she emerged. And she needs to take her cigar inserting husband and yellow teethed dirty smelly looking spawn with her.
    The only thing worse them are the waste of oxygen filth that voted for her. Garbage all of them. Nothing but garbage not ONE worthy enough to breath the same air as the good people of the GOP.

  3. She is a flipping nutcase and nothing more.

  4. Looking back at Hillary's history in politics, she's done nothing in forty years except be a bad attorney and feather her own nest. She hasn't done squat for women or anybody else unless, of course, they flashed the cash.

  5. No, she's actually been an enemy of women, using them as fodder for her own aims. She knows well how easy it is to talk, talk, talk, but she's always short on doing, doing, doing.

  6. Exactly 12:07. She's a liar and herself she is nothing but a slave to me. The skank slave has spent a lifetime lying for men like bill and obama. Not that democrat women would ever admit this because they themselves are all liars and/or so dumbed down and incredibly ignorant that if they weren't so brain dead and could think they would be mortified at how grotesque they all are.

  7. She wasn't pro life when it came to saving the lives of the Ambassador of Libya and three other Americans in Benghazi. She is so two faced...

  8. If women want to have abortions so be it- I don't think taxpayers should foot the bill. Problem solved.


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