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Friday, September 07, 2018

Delaware Sen. Tom Carper beats back Dem primary challenge from the Left

Democrat Tom Carper survived the first real primary challenge of his 17-year career representing Delaware in the Senate, beating progressive Kerri Evelyn Harris Thursday night.

Carper’s victory comes after a contentious primary that received increasing national attention in its final weeks as progressives, emboldened by wins in Florida and New York primaries, held out hope that Harris could come from behind. But he won by nearly 30 points.

Running on a platform of "Medicare for All" and debt-free college, Harris, 38, attacked Carper for his centrist, business-friendly ways. Carper, 71, lamented the impact Harris could have on Delaware and the Democratic Party writ large if she defeated him, arguing that the space for centrists would shrink in Congress.


1 comment:

  1. And let's reelect Carper, but when you cast your vote try to remember the last time you heard anything from him. The last I can think of is when he was last running for reelection 6 years ago. What has he done in the Senate except to vote the way the DNC ordered?


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