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Monday, September 17, 2018

Fire Departments Struggle to Meet New Demands

The job of a firefighter isn’t what it used to be. Take Charlottesville, Va., for example, where in just the past 18 months the fire departments in the city and surrounding Albemarle County have searched the wreckage of a plane crash in a hard-to-reach wooded area, performed water rescues after spring floods, responded to the derailment of a passenger train carrying Republican members of Congress and, most memorably, provided medical assistance during white supremacist rallies in Charlottesville, including one incident that left three people dead last summer. This was all in addition to dealing with downed power lines, an ammonia leak, frozen pipes and yes, even a few fires.

The workload of fire departments has grown substantially, even as their core mission -- putting out fires -- has dwindled. “Communities tend to lean on the fire service in times of crisis,” says Charlottesville Fire Chief Andrew Baxter. “People are looking to the fire service for leadership and partnership for all aspects of emergency response.”

But that ever-evolving mission has brought new strains. It requires training and planning for new dangers such as civil disturbances or active shooters. With increased call volumes, it requires more personnel at a time when a growing number of agencies are finding it difficult to recruit both career and volunteer firefighters, and to diversify their workforces to include more women and minorities. And it comes as some cash-strapped cities are questioning whether the old system of responding to larger call volumes by deploying more firefighters with bigger equipment at more fire stations is sustainable anymore.



  1. They all need wild ponies to sell. The little Island of Chincoteague has the most ridiculous array of fire dept. apparatus for a community with little more than a two story dwelling. The Pony Penning Parade has become like a third world dictators roll out of the troupes and arms. It's laughable. Red necks and their toys.

  2. Here we go again. Half of the calls shouldn't involve the fire department. When your run be LIBUTARD DEMOCRATS this is what happens. Before you begin to feel sorry for Charlottesville. Look at this town much closer. It's controlled by its college. Just as Newark de is. New buildings going up everywhere for the college. They have money for everything but the fire department uh. The LIBUTARD way. When in doubt pull out THE WOO IS ME card.


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