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Friday, September 28, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh nomination sent to full Senate for a vote

The Senate Judiciary Committee on Friday voted to move the vote on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh to the Senate — but left open the possibility that a full Senate vote could be delayed by opening an FBI probe into the nominee.

The 11-10 vote came after last-minute discussions of conducting an FBI investigation for up to a week to scrutinize the sexual assault charges against Kavanaugh by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.

Arizona GOP Sen. Jeff Flake had an apparent change of heart just hours after announcing that he would vote to confirm Kavanaugh and said he would support a delay of up to one week.

But it would be up to President Trump to decide whether to reopen the FBI’s investigation — and the president said moments later that he would leave the matter up to the Senate.

The president praised Ford as “a very credible witness, very good in many respects.”

He also praised Kavanaugh, but stopped short of a full-throated endorsement.



  1. I was sexually assaulted. No one believed me. I didn't tell anyone.

  2. Enough of the FBI playing around. Look how long they have taken with the Russian meddling in the last election investigation. Where are the charges against all the Democrats involved, including Clinton and the DNC?


  3. The question now turns to the Supreme Court calendar. What cases are being heard at the outset? Once endorsed and sworn in, the newest Associate Justice is probably not in a position to vote on cases he didn't hear argument about? If I'm in error on this point, please correct me.

  4. Who wrote this. Trump directed the FBI to look into this. He also said he would not back down on his nomination. I would like to give Flake a piece of my mind. His actions were all planned. Trump hater.

  5. Oct. 1st. case Allow CCW holders to be able to buy guns without a waiting period
    Oct. 2nd. case If foreign companies can donate to help influence American Elections.
    Oct. 3rd. Case Can voters just say name and show no ID to vote.
    Oct. 4th. Case Do away with ICE or not.
    Oct. 5th. Case Require the President to reveal all Tax Info.

    Now we all know why they are pushing for delays.


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