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Friday, September 28, 2018

BREAKING NEWS: Female Body Found Off Airport Road

The body of a 62 year old woman was found in a barn not far off Airport Road in Wicomico County. The woman did not live on the property of the barn location. More to come...


  1. heard there were shots fired off airport road?

  2. No problems here JAKE DAY!! Sure glad you wasted those millions on your fa* festival instead of putting it back into our city. Man I never thought I'd ever say this but I miss the days of colbourne dykes as police Chief

    1. Airport rd. would be in Wicomico County, not in city limits. Dumb Dumb

    2. Isn't this location out in the county?

  3. Dead Democrat, nothing to even care about.

    1. Thats just mean! This is someones mother, daughter, aunt, this is a human being!

  4. ummm...4:23 Airport Rd NOT in city limits.

  5. Umm @6:19 I was waiting for some idiot to say that. Salisbury is wicomico county and the body was found on airport road. It didn't say where she was at the time of her demise, UUUMMMM

  6. You idiots pissing back and forth about Salisbury or wicomico county obviously didn't know colbourne dykes. He kept the whole area in check

  7. OK morons what TOWN is airport road located? It seems you don't have sense enough to distinguish that wicomico county is within what is considered Salisbury MDD. It's NO wonder your TOWN is rapidly decaying you idiots don't have sense enough to pour piss out of a boot. A lady lost her life that's the issue, mor whether Salisbury or wicomico county is worse

  8. Whats with all the name calling. Lets grow up. I don't understand why when something happens it the county the city mayor is thrown out there. He don't run anything in the county.

  9. It appears you are so busy postings salacious comments, you have not had time to update this article. IMO, out of respect for the serious issue one does not post remarks made by idiots

    AnonymousSeptember 28, 2018 at 4:23 PM
    No problems here JAKE DAY!! Sure glad you wasted those millions on your fa* festival instead of putting it back into our city. Man I never thought I'd ever say this but I miss the days of colbourne dykes as police Chief

    Dead Democrat, nothing to even care about.

    I was waiting for some idiot to say that. Salisbury is wicomico county and the body was found on airport road. It didn't say where she was at the time of her demise, UUUMMMM

    ou idiots pissing back and forth about Salisbury or wicomico county obviously didn't know colbourne dykes. He kept the whole area in check

    Joe, There are some situations that should be dealt with, with dignity. and especially so when detail are unknown, . This is a person but it appears not to matter to you. Is your goal only the more comments you post the more hits you can claim?.

  10. it was a suicide for god's sake....Who cares where it is...people want to jump to conclusions because it was "in Salisbury"...Get a life you morons!

  11. Suicide?? Kind of odd, almost as odd as a friend of mine son who supposedly committed suicide after a run in with local law enforcement. Funny thing was his bullet wound was to the back of the head. Don't believe anything your local authorities tell you. there just like the idiots in Washington


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