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Thursday, August 23, 2018

WILLIAMS: Enough's Enough

During the weekend of Aug. 4-5 (and the preceding Friday night), 12 Chicagoans were shot dead, and 62 others were shot and wounded, the Chicago Tribunereported. Before last week's mayhem, 1,718 Chicagoans had been shot since the beginning of the year, and 306 had been murdered. Adding to this tragedy is the fact that Chicago's clearance rate is less than 15 percent. That means that in more than 85 percent of Chicago's homicides, no suspect is charged. Chicago is by no means unique in this lawlessness. Detroit, Baltimore, Philadelphia, St. Louis and some other major cities share high rates of homicides.



  1. Accept the fact that this cannot be reversed.By this time next year the same old same old will still be going on in Chicago and the other listed cities.

  2. You know I am tired of hearing about Chicago. They got what they have voted for. They have for many many years. Too bad!! Vote differently in the future elections. If you vote smarter then I'll be willing to listen. Otherwise, just ST-U!! Same goes for the rest of the DA cities voting liberal.

  3. 1120
    You obviously don't understand the power of the globalist agenda in America.
    Good people can vote all they want but if there are no good candidates, then it doesn't matter much.
    The globalists control both political parties.

    Wake up

    The world is not simple at all.
    The richest people on the planet have a huge advantage over regular people.


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