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Thursday, August 23, 2018

The #WalkAway Movement Is Huge! The Real Walk Away Story Being Underreported.


  1. Of course it is huge. No good decent person would EVER identify with that party. It is the party of liar, perverts and the worst kind of people humanity has to offer. Anyone who votes democrat or says they are one are garbage. Not one democrat is worthy enough to be even in the presence of the good people of the GOP. They are all nothing but walking lying breathing filth. democrats not ever or will they ever contribute anything positive to society. They are all failures as parents.

  2. Some people have actually looked up.

    The sky ain't green.

    Keep cheering.

  3. This is one way the president won. Polls had him down and out because the average voter was afraid to say they want Trump because they had been confused so many year by their own party.

  4. Why do people believe in the farce of democrat and republican? You would think for most logical people after Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump would see the myth of choice

  5. A vote for Democrats is a vote against America.


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