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Monday, August 27, 2018

Trump Stuns with Hillary Clinton Corruption Announcement

President Donald Trump leveraged his direct connection to the American people on Saturday morning — announcing the possibility that he “may have to get involved” to ensure justice is served after dropping the bombshell that the FBI evaluated “less than 1 percent” of Hillary Clinton’s emails.

He also suggested that the FBI intentionally avoided evaluating the “disasters” among those emails.

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  1. It seems that nobody else will. Go for it, Mr. President!!

  2. I just wish we the pubic could do more. Mueller is done as far as I am concerned. I'm sure there are many you feel the same. I vote republican all the way.

  3. Clinton Foundation needs investigated for money laundering. Clinton campaign needs to be investigated for getting campaign funds from foreign governments that was claimed as a charity donation which went to her campaign.

  4. I am sure that the Clinton cabal is scheming and steaming at this very moment trying to figure out a way to get POTUS to have an accident. I truly hope that he goes for it!!!


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