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Monday, August 27, 2018

Bet They Didn’t Tell You About These Four Illegal Alien Crimes, Either

Thanks to the tragic murder of 20-year-old Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts, a national debate is now intensifying about crimes committed in the U.S. by illegal aliens and whether they are more or less dangerous to law-abiding citizens.

That debate is far from resolved — but what is clear is that many of the crimes committed by illegal aliens go unreported by the national mainstream media.

They won’t report it, but LifeZette and many local media will.

Just in the past 24 hours, here’s a sampling of what has been reported in local media outlets:

1.) Sex with a 14-year-old girl. 2.) Attempted kidnapping of a woman.

3.) Setting hospital emergency room bed on fire. 4.) Caught in Massachusetts, wanted for murder in El Salvador.

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