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Monday, August 27, 2018

Trump on Tibbetts: MSM Lost Interest When They Found Out Illegal Alien Charged with Murder

President Donald Trump on Friday evening accused the mainstream media of not covering Mollie Tibbetts’s murder “the way it should be covered” as soon as the media found out that an illegal alien was charged with her murder.

Speaking at a fundraising dinner for the Ohio Republican Party, Trump said the mainstream media “didn’t want to cover it the way it should be covered” when “they found out that it was this horrible illegal immigrant that viciously killed her.”

“Just this week we learned that Iowa authorities have charged an illegal alien in the murder of a college student—Mollie Tibbetts,” Trump said, adding that “everybody was talking about Mollie,” who the president said was a “beautiful, wonderful, incredible person.”

Trump said that “everybody that met her loved her” and added that when he saw Tibbetts’s father hoping that his daughter would come back alive, Trump said he thought to himself while watching television coverage for the last month, “maybe he’s right.”

“This went on for a long time… when they found out that it was this horrible illegal immigrant that viciously killed her, all of a sudden that story went down. They didn’t want to cover it the way it should be covered,” Trump said.



  1. But she was also a Trump hater.

  2. This is 100% correct. Anything that goes against their narrative, mysteriously disappears, no matter how big the story may be.

  3. Even if Molly was against Trump she didn't deserve to die by an illegal immigrant.

    1. The SAME people she was helping ILLEGALS.

  4. 1:57 & 2:07 that is because the media is in cahoots with the elites not to cover anything that goes against their narrative, wither it be right or wrong, truth or fiction, they don't care, they just as they are told!!!! Besides, the media and the elites already said they are goign to keep at it until you people do't know if your coming or going with all of this disinformation... They do it so you will never know what is right or wrong... This way they can make stories up, and make false flags happen...

  5. 3:46 You are missing the point of the article. The 'theme' is that the MSM has lost interest BY CHOICE because they are against Trump and his fight against illegal immigrants, and shedding any light on the fact that Molie was killed by an illegal, shoots holes in their side.

  6. Even if she did not support Trump, I will vote again for Trump and dedicate my vote to her.


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