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Monday, August 27, 2018

How Donald Trump can survive the onslaught against his presidency

From Day One, President Trump has been fighting a war for survival on two fronts. One front involves law enforcement, led first by James Comey’s FBI and now by special counsel Robert Mueller. The other front is political, where Trump faces the resistance movement led by congressional Democrats.

But sift through the fog of last week’s dizzying headlines about guilty pleas, immunity deals and possible impeachment, and a clear picture emerges: The two fronts have united, with the anti-Trumpers in the Justice Department and those in politics now openly working hand-in-hand against him.

In the long slog to unseat the president, the official merger of the anti-Trump forces marks a dramatic turning point. For one thing, it shows beyond doubt that the Mueller probe is fundamentally tainted by partisan politics, with the latest example involving Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer. Inexplicably, Cohen’s case remains in control of Manhattan federal prosecutors.

The US attorney Trump appointed for that outpost, Geoffrey Berman, reportedly was ordered to recuse himself by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, leaving the office staffed mostly by holdovers from Preet Bharara’s tenure.

Bharara was fired by Trump when he refused to resign and is cheering for Trump’s fall. Meanwhile, his former colleagues made the politically charged demand that Cohen accuse the president of criminal behavior in his own plea documents, illustrating how Cohen is a pawn and Trump is the real target.



  1. Fire at the statue of liberty

  2. Are we Trump supporters or Americans first? Trump has lead our Country into the most divisive times it has seem in recent memory. He should resign

    1. I totally agree 100% with or without a so call civil war. The Trump and the Clinton administration is corrupted.

    2. 1:23, you should take your pills and a nap.

    3. Pushed by the radical left. I no your trolling. However if your not a fat nasty troll isn't your comment part of the problem? I make more money now then I did under a democrat so my vote is Trump. Simple.

    4. Know* Your statement pretty much sums up why America is going down the drain. All anyone cares about is money. It's why our politicians are bought, we have illiterate citizens and the biggest wage gap in the world. But hey, you'll be able to upgrade to a double wide soon so who cares, right?

    5. If only you stood for democracy and didnt kneel to Trump. Wasnt one of the seven deadly sins greed? Or do we just conveniently ignore that one?

    6. It's all about the money/greed more so than safety and security for every citizens in the United States of America. Money and greed. Sad.

  3. How about he just stops lying and starts leading. He’s all about himself. Shame. He really could have made a positive difference.

    1. Megalomaniac to the core. Not sure why we expected anything different. He cant even put his fragile ego aside to honor the life of an American patriot.


  4. Trump/Pence 2020!


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