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Friday, August 03, 2018

Trump calls for food stamp work requirements in farm bill

President Trump on Thursday urged House and Senate lawmakers to adopt strict work requirements for food stamps when they craft a merged farm bill.

“When the House and Senate meet on the very important Farm Bill – we love our farmers - hopefully they will be able to leave the WORK REQUIREMENTS FOR FOOD STAMPS PROVISION that the House approved,” Trump tweeted. “Senate should go to 51 votes!”

Both the House and Senate passed their respective farm bills in June. However, the House bill imposes new work requirements on the food stamps program and tightens overall eligibility on who can qualify for the federal assistance.



  1. Make them work for there crabs and Steamed shrimp.

  2. 12:58-And then prosecute them if they put the crab leftovers in a city trash can.If it's more than one day before the trash is picked up that mess smells up the whole neighborhood.

  3. The crab houses need pickers.....the farmers need farm help. So make them work and kill 2 birds with one stone.

    If you are able to work and don't. You don't eat.

  4. Work to eat?! What a concept!!

  5. 2:25--
    Agreed. In addition, do you ever see help wanted ads for these businesses? Rarely, if ever. Same thing w/O.C. & some of their businesses, then it got even worse when some added their own housing for the student workers. No locals need apply. How are our teenagers to learn the value of a day's work & financial responsibility, let alone become independent, when the summer jobs are given to those outside of our country? People are too busy looking at their short-term profit margin, rather than the long-term effect.

  6. If you're able to go to 1 fish 2 fish to get steamed crabs your able to get your Welfare ass to WORK.

  7. Be prepared for the riots that are going to happen. While many food entitlement people are good people who do work but need help many are useless pieces of crap who all they want to do is make babies and commit crimes.


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