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Friday, August 03, 2018

Shock Video Shows Migrants Storming Beach in Spain

Alarmed sunbathers look on in disbelief

An alarming new video out of Cádiz, Spain shows a boat load of migrants arriving on a beach before swarming onshore as sunbathers look on in shock.

The clip shows a boat arriving on the beach before around two dozen migrants leap off and immediately head for the town.

People in the comments of the video on YouTube noted that the “refugees” were virtually all men and looked to be in good health.



  1. Specifically: fighting age men

    Men who can cause a lot of disruption / destruction to the place.

    That is who the globalists want to “migrate” into Europe. They want to destroy Europe.

    Order out of Chaos
    To Be 1 Ask 1
    As Above, so Below

    You get the idea . . .

  2. Spain is off my list for a vacation.

  3. LOL like you'd really go to Spain. Can you even find it on a map. They don't have Taco Bell.


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