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Sunday, August 26, 2018

So Desperate They're Spending Money Weeks Before Folked Festival They Just Don't Have

Do you have any idea what it cost to wrap a vehicle? Let me assure you, it's not cheap. Commenters are saying Mayor Jake Day is offering DOUBLE community service credit for any student who volunteers at the Festival. Talk about a slap in the face for ALL of the other people who have had to volunteer their time. Yeah, you soft Liberals will come back in comments and say, what's the big deal. Well just sit tight till I put up other information on this event where Day is breaking just about every law out there to make this event happen. It will be posted this morning.


  1. Dave T: That's what Demoflakes do. They spend money, because we all know they sure don't know how to make money.

  2. Does the double hours apply to those of us who are sentenced to community service?

  3. call from bennett principal was asking for volunteers for this bs. good luck lefties! can't wait for the lawsuits to begin! glad I'm not a sby resident who's going to have to pay for this shitshow!

  4. Huh, I wasn't planning on going to the Folk Festival, but gee, it's plastered on the side of a crappy bus. Guess I gotta go now......

  5. Just boycott the festival and say no more about it.

  6. Who's expected to make money on this event? Hotels, motels, gas stations and restaurants?

  7. I hope the GUETTO crew can get double credit while walking among you Snowflakes lol.

  8. Tax and spend...tax and spend. All them Dems do is tax and spend, without regard for long term damage! Especially when then can tax more!

  9. how can they give double hours. That is fraudulent. State law requires children to do 75. This needs reported to MSDE.

  10. That's a town of OC bus. Are they using buses from OC?

  11. Hope they have qualified drivers. They will not hire qualified drivers part time. I know I have driven them before I retired and they stated I was not qualified. LOL

  12. I hope the idiots in Salisbury continue to let this moron spend money like crazy. The only thing that's going to stop these socialist democratic "children" is the source dry up. Bankrupt the whole city and country for your five minutes of Fame and glory

  13. Mayor Day knows how to make it work, great incentive for a little of a kids time! GENIUS

    1. Jake stay off the blog and focus on your f ups and how to actually get something right

  14. All the hotels have lowered their rates for that weekend. They thought they were going to make a killing and gee, doesn't seem to have panned out that way..

  15. You can't just double the hours because you want to. If it's community service and you lie on the hours, that's called fraud. Secondly, did they have to pay for the ability to wrap the bus? Meaning, all of those businesses pay for the right to wrap the bus, plus the wrap, and they're not cheap. Where is all this money coming from? I want to see a P&L when this is done, showing what WE, the taxpayers, paid for EVERY thing associated with this stupid Folk Festival. The fees to this company, the amphitheater, the adverting, the overtime for police, the port-a-poties, the generators, stages, security, all of it. Then I want to see how many came and the impact it had on our economy. How many hotel rooms were rented? How much was spent at local restaurants, local businesses, and how far did these people really come from. There is a heck of a lot of money going out here people and we're locked in for two more years. Where is our return? This is a business and he's spending our money, let's hold him accountable for that.

    1. The gay rainbow floatys for the drunk Snowflakes falling in da scummy river.

  16. I bet the recently allocated state funds for the waste water treatment plant made their way into the festival fund

  17. Our boss is pressuring us to "volunteer" all for her to improve her political connections. Has stated she wants 100% participation. Even her administrative asst is pushing us. Jeesh!

  18. Is there a bus schedule? Do they go to OC?

  19. Sure they do, they have all of the money in the world, yours and they will keep on spending it and keep on taking it form you... because your a salve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. 9:05...it's "you're". It the contraction of you are, as in you are a slave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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