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Thursday, August 23, 2018

Rahm Emanuel tells the truth about Chicago violence and gets fierce blowback

Chicago's mayor evidently forgot one of the iron laws of the Democratic Party: no members of any victim class can be held responsible for any problems that result from their behavior. The ever expanding list of victim classes has grown from blacks to include all "people of color" (basically, everybody but Caucasians, who implicitly are deemed "colorless"), even elite and privileged ones like Sarah Jeong; poor people; and people who choose sexual and gender adventurism, among others.

Perhaps it was the shock of seeing 75 people shot and 12 killed the weekend before last that impelled Rahm Emanuel to speak honestly about why such extreme violence is concentrated in a couple of neighborhoods.

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel blamed the city's massive crime problem on a "shortage of values" after at least 75 people were shot over the weekend.

"We have a heavy heart," the Democratic mayor said at a news conference Monday. "Our souls are burdened. What happened this weekend did not happen in every neighborhood of Chicago but it is unacceptable to happen in any neighborhood of Chicago. We are a better city." ...



  1. Rahm needs to step down immediately and allow someone else (who would want to) step in and start the clean up process. It will take YEARS!

  2. It's an overabundance of people without those values. Weed them out.

  3. Dave T: The real truth about Chicago is that Rahm belongs back in the gutter where he belongs. Look at Chicago, that's what your future will be like if Democrats are allowed to run this country again. Incompetent, arrogant, cowards spoiled with greed and a blood lust for control acting like they are public servants. You gotta have brain damage to believe this filth belongs in our government. And you have to be truly pathetic for electing him.

  4. First time Emanuel semi told the truth and blacks hate hearing the truth. It is not a shortage of values it is a complete lack on any value, morals and honesty.
    Bottom line though like we are seeing in Baltimore with the record number of murders and other violent acts-the residents are getting exactly what they deserve. They vote stupidly so they have to just sit down shut up and suck up what they created. Their opinions do not matter. In Baltimore they voted for a states attorney only because she is black. She turned on the police. The police aren't being proactive. Murder rate soared-and the residents deserve this because voting has consequences.

  5. Than has dual citizenship and should not be a Mayor for that reason. Questionable loyalties.

  6. Democrats do not know the truth. They work only on lies and deception. It the luciferian ideals that they really support.


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