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Thursday, August 23, 2018

Elizabeth Warren Dismisses Mollie Tibbetts’ Murder: We Have ‘Real Problems’ Like Family Separation

But Tibbets’ parents permanently separated from their child

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) suggested illegal alien family separation at the southern border is more pressing than preventing criminal illegals from committing violent crimes in the country.

During a CNN appearance Wednesday, Warren was asked about the murder of 20-year-old Mollie Tibbetts, who was allegedly killed at the hands of an illegal alien, and if Trump’s goal to secure the border could help prevent future illegal immigrant violence.

After quickly acknowledging the tragedy, Warren immediately pivoted to current U.S. immigration policy, specifically separating adults and children at the southern border to weed out smugglers.



  1. Guess what build the wall and immigration reform and no murders or no separation of illegal immigrant family's problems solved.

  2. these kind of people dont care until it happens to them

  3. A vote for Democrats is a vote against America.

  4. Dave T: Warren is a despicable human being. How disgusting to ignore the horror facing the family of a murder victim as part her display to support illegal immigrants. Folks, in my opinion, our future is crystal clear. People are either going to support a real candidate that wants to improve this nation for the benefit of its people by supporting our president, or they can choose to live a life like sheep being led to slaughter by supporting the liberal party that wants nothing more than power and control in order to dominate and manipulate American citizens. The choices are clear. Freedom or oppression. Are you people real freedom loving Americans? Or are you nothing but spineless, yellow belly cowards who want to be ordered around your for the rest of your life.


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