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Monday, August 27, 2018

"Predatory" Chicago Funeral Homes Make Killing Amid Soaring Murder Rate

Chicago funeral homes are raking it in amid the city's largely ignored murder epidemic, reports Fox News.

Taking advantage of a taxpayer-funded scheme which guarantees up to $7,500 in funeral expenses for the families of homicide victims, several funeral directors have been accused of inflating prices or charging families for services which were never performed.

“Every funeral home in the state knows that victims get $7,500 for a funeral and it’s their goal to charge the entire amount because it’s easy money,” Susan Johnson, executive director of Chicago Survivors, told Fox News.

Johnson, whose organization helps people who have lost loved ones to homicide, claims some zero in on people receiving money from the Illinois Crime Victim’s Compensation fund.

The state – along with the federal government – provides eligible victims of violent crime with up to $27,000 in financial assistance for out-of-pocket expenses. The families of murder victims get $7,500 for funeral costs.

According to the National Funeral Directors Association, the average cost of a funeral for an adult is between $7,000 and $8,300. The Federal Trade Commission puts the figure slightly higher at around $10,000. -Fox News



  1. Whoever in government that didn't see this coming is right in line with Chicago's leadership values.

  2. It's what happens when you susidize something. It's Econ 101.

  3. "Casket Chasers" (as opposed to Ambulance Chasers everywhere else.)

  4. It is probably a small amount to pay for their funerals considering that those shot were probably headed to prison in the near future.
    Bury them now for $7K and save the court and prison costs.

  5. Many More people shot and killed in Chicago over the weekend than in Florida. But the only one doing anything about it are the funeral directors. Burying the dead.
    Wheres the National Guard you promised... Trump?

  6. 9:36 the President can't "promise" the National Guard. They have to be officially requested by in this case the mayor of Chicago. Please please you people need to learn civics and how the federal government works when it comes to States and States' rights.

  7. Believe it or not, but most Funeral Homes are predatory, preying on the bereaved at their weakest moment. Most do not commit to organizations that prohibit predatory funeral home practices, like The International Order of the Golden Rule. The only one on the Eastern Shore is located in Cambridge MD. When I asked a local funeral home if they were a member of O.R.G., they director's husband actually had the nerve to answer "no, we decided that it would cost the funeral home too much money".


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