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Monday, August 27, 2018

Child was punished for calling his teacher 'ma'am,' parents say

TARBORO, NC (WTVD/CNN) – Parents in North Carolina are seeking answers after they say their 10-year-old son was punished by his teacher for addressing her as "ma'am."

When 10-year-old Tamarion Wilson came home from North East Carolina Preparatory School on Tuesday afternoon, his mother, Teretha Wilson, noticed something was off.

"I asked him what happened," Wilson said. "He said he got in trouble for saying 'yes, ma'am.'"

Tamarion then pulled out a sheet of paper, on which he'd been made to write the word "ma'am," four times per line on both sides – all because he'd referred to his teacher as such after she'd instructed him not to.

As part of his punishment, Tamarion had to have the paper signed by a parent.

"He had a look on his face of disappointment, shame," said McArthur Bryant, Tamarion's father.

Wilson said the teacher also told Tamarion during the encounter that if she had something, she would have thrown it at him.



  1. He wasn't punished for calling her ma'am, he was punished for calling her that AFTER he was told not to call her that. BIG difference. It's called not following instructions from the teacher. Of course mom thinks her sone doesn't have to follow the teacher's instructions without any recourse by the teacher. Yeah that's right, let the student decide what instructions to follow, and what not to follow. Notice the names of the complainer and her family? The parents should be called in and chastised for supporting their son's insubordination, and not his punishment. This is a prime example of poor parenting.

  2. So now we have an “M” word to avoid because.....?

  3. WOW!!!!! THIS IS COMPLETELY BASS ACKWARDS! what in the world man smh!

  4. Maybe he should have called her bitch instead because that's what she is.

    1. Id gladly accompany a child in for it. She would hear it twice.

  5. 1:03, I have to disagree wholeheartedly. Having been raised by parents who taught me respect, and my mother being a 5th grade teacher for over 30 years, your assessment of punishment for disobeying is over the edge. Even if he called her ma'am after she told him not to do that, I think that it is totally wrong to stop GOOD behavior and GOOD habits of respect. Perhaps, she could have explained her reasons for not calling her ma'am (which I'd like to hear myself) but not punish him. As I recall, my elementary teachers demanded we call them ma'am and sir....and would have punished the teacher AND you for reacting as you have. With kids, respect is taught......as adults, respect is earned. Both this teacher and the 1:03 author certainly have earned no respect.

  6. 1:03 that liberal redefinition crap does not fly here. No one should be punished but the disrespectful teacher. She clearly is not of the character or personality necessary to be a leader instructing children. Ma’am is a sign of respect we teach our children when addressing a woman. Period. Good on this child for adhering to principal and ethics. Do what’s right despite these moronic liberals!

  7. I was raised and taught to be respectful by using that term. I called my aunt that once and she asked me to stop, it made her feel old. Dad, her brother, taught me to use the "M" word.

  8. Hmmm...maybe if he called her the "C" word, she would have been OK...after all, the far lefties think it is fine to call conservative women that name...what's good for one side should be good for the other...oh... gee...forgot that only the left can say things like that....

  9. As I recall, my elementary teachers demanded we call them ma'am and sir....and would have punished the teacher AND you for reacting as you have.

    August 27, 2018 at 2:45 PM:

    That is such an odd defense of not following teachers instructions to the students. If your teachers DEMANDED that you call them maam and sir, what would have happened if you didn't. Are you suggesting that compliance with the teachers demands was voluntary? No, YOU would have been punished and rightfully so. There is no difference in the two scenarios. Absolutely none. It matters not whether the student is instructed to call the teacher maam, or not to call her maam, or to call her Ms. Whatever. The instruction was repeatedly not complied with by the student. Defending your child when they are wrong IS poor parenting, and apparently you are one of those parents. The teacher deserves control of her classroom and the students, not the parents. Parents like you are the ones that send their kids to school with the expectation that the teacher can't tell them what to do. The child is not the problem, it is the parents that give their kids the idea that they don't have to follow teachers instructions.

  10. With kids, respect is taught......as adults, respect is earned.

    August 27, 2018 at 2:45 PM;

    And what are you teaching your kids when you defend them disobeying a teachers instruction...repeatedly? You are teaching them to disrespect the teacher. Shame on you! You are a scourge on school systems everywhere.


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