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Sunday, August 26, 2018

PETA plasters anti-crab-eating billboards in Baltimore

BALTIMORE — Crabs are friends, not food. That's what billboards near the Baltimore Inner Harbor are saying in an attempt to get people to go vegan.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has plastered billboards near seafood restaurants in Baltimore as part of a nationwide campaign to get seafood off people's plates.

The billboard displays a colorful blue crab and says, "I'm ME, Not MEAT. See the Individual. Go Vegan."

The posters are located near seafood restaurants such as Phillips Seafood, Mo's Fisherman's Wharf, McCormick & Schmick's Seafood & Steaks, The Oceanaire Seafood Room and Bubba Gump Shrimp Company.

One billboard sits atop Silver Moon II in downtown Baltimore.

"Whatever they say, 'Go vegan,' whatever, nothing is going to work," said Nick Lentis, owner of Silver Moon II.



  1. That's a mute point. Few Chesapeake Blue are served in local Crab Houses. The Old Mill and The Roost and most others are serving import crustacean. Pepper it with old bay and copious beer and those that don't know the difference and pig out know none the less.

    1. 9:16- It's moot point. Also, you're 100% incorrect. Old Mill serves MD Blue crabs. You apparently know nothing.

  2. Hey libs your CIVIL WAR IS COMING.

  3. PETA is full of liberal idiots!

  4. Yum I'm in the mood for crabs

  5. Once again Democrats telling you how to live.

  6. These snowflakes crack me up. It’s like the “me” campaign for food, roflmao

  7. Crabs are now being found 1/2 male and 1/2 female. We wonder why we have all the nonsense of gender bending and it is clearly showing up in wildlife. I think I will stick to my veggies....if they don't poison me with chemicals that leach off into the waterways where crabs live.


  8. These dumb bunnies got Nabisco to take animal crackers out of cages on the box they are sold in...but the newly freed animal crackers will still get gobbled.

    PETA is a synonym for wacko!

  9. @9:16 It's MOOT, not MUTE...

  10. 9:16
    Interesting comment!

    Are there not enough Chesapeake Bay crabs to satisfy the local demand? Or is it cheaper to import crabs? Hard to believe it is cheaper to import when the local crabs are readily available.

    Please elaborate.

  11. At least the billboard co. Made some money. Thanks PETA for making Trump's economy better. Rent some more billboards we can make fun of.

  12. 11:45 that's cause of you pissing out all that estrogen from your birth control! it's you who's messing it up for the rest of us! wait until your veggies start growing both male and female organs!

  13. I had an awesome conversation with a Tangier sound blue crab just the other day, boy are they pissed at the rockfish and the Conowingo dam people. Lol

  14. PETA is running out of causes to fight so in order to still sound important and to bring monies in they are scrapping the bottom of the barrel to find something offensive. PETA - People for the ethical treatment of animals. Cartoon animals on a box can not be treated unethically or abused so what a waste of time, money and effort which could have been used for where live animals are actually being abused!


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