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Sunday, August 26, 2018

Anne Arundel's drag community looks to build visibility with events like Drag Queen Storytime

She walked amid a sea of small faces, all turned upward.

A towering headdress of seashells, flowers and feathers held in place a long periwinkle braid. Her cream gown, tied into place with fishing net, swirled as she turned to face the crowd of bouncing toddlers at the Glen Burnie Regional Library.

“My name is Balena Canto,” she exclaimed, her whale necklace swaying as she leaned toward the packed room.

Thus began the Anne Arundel County Public Library system’s first Drag Queen Storytime.

First started in San Francisco by activist Michelle Tea, these events — where drag queens read stories to children — have spread across the country and the world.

The Glen Burnie event was part of the library’s diversity celebration, said spokeswoman Christine Feldmann, and to promote empathy and inclusion. Despite some negative pushback, more than 100 parents and children drove from across the state to attend.



  1. That is not a she that is a he

  2. Don't you just love rainbows and love all of the colors, even the invisible ones?

  3. What next Drag Queen show and tell or is that don't ask don't show and tell ?

  4. 3:25 next is drag queen hide and seek. Can you find the $&+#?

  5. That's f*#!ng sick!

  6. Drag queens are freaks. That or they are just a little touched in the head.

  7. It will really help in the much desired effort to convince young boys they are really female deep inside.
    A feminized population is less likely to revolt against the establishment banking families of the world.

    1. Exactly why they are pushing it! A bunch of wussy boys and girls wont fight what the deep state is trying desperately to initiate.

  8. Oh please the Banking families of the world are all bisexual shape shifting cannibalistic satanic reptiles. I would not worry about a few drag queens. Really ? Are you on a disability income and on medication and do nothing all day but troll conspiracies in your mothers trailer ? Get out and cut her grass ! and STFU !

  9. Makes you want to throw up

  10. Libraries. They are proud of their illness and child perversion, and they’re good at it. We surely rank #1 in the world. Looks like a white thing from that scene! Lol! These people should be on a list! Sick, just perverted and sick.

  11. 6:39
    Your ignorance is obvious.
    You might want to READ a little bit?
    Don’t buy all of the silly stories published by internet websites.

  12. Well we have rainbow cross walks at the library so I guess drag queen story time is next. DISGUSTING !

  13. Dave T: Just another distorted, perverted, ridiculous idea from the left, here to brainwash your kids and alter their future. If you people support this crap, then you deserve what comes with it.


  14. Reading fairy tales?

  15. As it was in the days of Lot.

  16. “My name is Balena Canto,” she exclaimed, her whale necklace swaying as she leaned toward the packed room.

    It is not a she and you idiots need to quit referring to it as a "She."


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