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Thursday, August 09, 2018

'Newly-discovered Votes' Tighten Ohio 12 Race to 1,564

The counting of 588 newly-discovered votes by Ohio election officials has made the margin in state's Congressional District 12 even tighter: 1,564 in favor of Republican Troy Balderson, with 8,483 more ballots to count, the Cincinnati Enquirer reported.

Democrat Danny O'Connor gained 190 votes when the missing ballots were counted.

"The votes from a portion of one voting location had not been processed into the tabulation system," according to a Franklin County Board of Election statement on Wednesday. "The Griswold Center voting location had two master (personal electronic ballots), only one of which was read and processed into the tabulation system on election night."

Despite the fact that 5,048 absentee ballots still have be counted along with 3,435 provisional ballots, Balderson has declared victory in the race, along with President Donald Trump, who publicly backed him, the Enquirer said.



  1. So here we go again.. hanging chads, missing ballots, electronic voting machines, 200% turnouts, dead illegals, but hey we dont need voter ID...

  2. Like the votes found in the trunk that gave Al Franken the Senate seat in Minnesota --Right. Democrats lie, cheat and steal elections and until Trump came along no one fought back

  3. If the votes were that important then why we're were they not turned in on election night buy the chief judge from the voting precinct? Was this person trying to hide something and waiting to see if their guy had enough before mysteriously finding more votes? Just a thought.

  4. You say you want a revolution? Well you can count me out.....in
    Democrats carrying pictures of chairman mao..you aint gonna make it anyhow

  5. How much would you bet that there will be few or no Republican votes in those just conveniently “found” ? This sham has been going on ever since I can remember and I’m 76.


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