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Thursday, August 09, 2018

Israel pounds Hamas after 19 injured in rocket barrage

Over 150 projectiles fired towards southern Israel

The Israel Air Force retaliated by striking targets in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday evening after 19 people were treated for injuries resulting form rocket attacks from Gaza against southern Israel.

A rocket hit Eshkol Regional Council at 06:00 am Thursday, critically injuring a 30 year old woman and wounding another man from shrapnel.

Following the barrages throughout the night, the IAF struck over 100 terror targets including a plant used to manufacture components intended for the construction of tunnels as well as a tunnel for maritime terrorism along Israel’s coast.

Hamas issued a statement saying: “We are delivering on our promise."

More here


  1. And most of the casualties were under the age of 10..

  2. Israel should just wipe hamas off the face of the earth.

  3. 3:26
    Time to do some reading don’t you think?
    Very naive. Getting information from MSM means you only know what the Tribe wants you to know.

    Educate yourself.


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