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Sunday, August 26, 2018

Nabisco changes packaging on their Barnum's Animals Crackers amid pressure


  1. Just let them boycott your crap... Who cares what these ass hats think... They will stop once the media attention is over... Be like Chickfila where they fought back and stood strong, you people are weak cowards and deserve all of this crap... Bending over backwards for a nut job will only ruin you too. When the level head, people with brains who actually use them, will boycott you for caving to these ass hats, so either way someone will boycott you, and I can promise you, there are more of us than there are of those people who are just sue happy...

  2. Now I Can Dream Peacefully !!!! Lol

  3. I like this much better. It's the little things, such as these, that feed our kids minds.

  4. It's a cookie. Get real lefties. Next they will want vented bags so cookies can breath.

    1. For God's sake don't give 'em any ideas!

  5. Because they just weren't happy with having killed the circus.

  6. With all the problems this country has, now making a big deal about cardboard picture. I guess some people just dream about unimportant things so they can do just make the news. IT’S SO SAD

  7. Ill still bite the heads off first


  8. But, but, but they'll still be eating images of animals!

    Nabisco has lost their collective mind.

  9. Why aren't the people applying pressure ever named ???

  10. As I White person I don't like them being called CRACKER .

  11. I wish all I had to worry about in my life was the cover of a box of cookies!!! Seriously?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Not many zoos keep animals confined is small cages as depicted on the box. time to update the image. Nabisco should have done it without having pressure put on them. Some old time products had slaves on them, that went away too as it should have.

  14. Part of the problem is succumbing to these idiots wishes.

  15. But Barnum's (the circus) animals were all in cages, thank God, or they would have been dangerous to the customers of the circus. PC is now making it look like Barnum's was a Safari, not a circus.

  16. Keep an old box if you have it. It has become a collector's item.

  17. Years ago I remember seeing people crackers, for dogs. I guess they picture should have had the people in cages.

  18. That's what Barnum's Animals looked like before they were Barnum's.

  19. I wonder if all the African animals feel better now?


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