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Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Missouri Democrats Slam Door on Pro-Life Voters

'They want us to shut up and vote. Well, we're not going to do that anymore'

For about a month, the Missouri Democratic Party was willing to accept voters with "differing positions on issues of personal conscience." But over the weekend, party leadership decided to rescind the olive branch it extended to pro-life Democrats earlier this summer.

An amendment voted into the platform by party leadership in late June was voted back out this past Saturday—a move that Democrats opposed to an abortion purity test say the party will regret in November.

The platform clearly states the party supports "a woman's right to choose" and would "oppose any efforts to limit access to reproductive health." The now-removed amendment had stated a willingness to "welcome into our ranks all Missourians."

"We respect the conscience of each Missourian and recognize that members of our party have deeply held and sometimes differing positions on issues of personal conscience, such as abortion," the amendment read. "We recognize the diversity of views as a source of strength, and welcome into our ranks all Missourians who may hold differing positions on this issue."

"Missouri Democrats finally quit pretending to be moderate and inclusive today," Republican Senate candidate Josh Hawley told the Washington Free Beacon. "They are now held captive by the most militant fringes of their party."



  1. So all hail satan and death to babies should be there mantra. Not its for the people thats an OUTRIGHT LIE

  2. "right to choose" and "reproductive health". What evil euphemisms.


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