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Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Chinese Cops Now Spying on American Soil

A major human rights crisis is unfolding in northwestern China, according to the United Nations, which said last week that there were credible reports that the Chinese government is holding one million or more ethnic minorities in secretive detention camps.

Yet even for those who have escaped China, surveillance and intimidation have followed. As part of a massive campaign to monitor and intimidate its ethnic minorities no matter where they are, Chinese authorities are creating a global registry of Uighurs who live outside of China, threatening to detain their relatives if they do not provide personal and identifying information to Chinese police. This campaign is now reaching even Uighurs who live in the United States.

A few months ago, Barna, who lives in a major U.S. city and requested that her real name not be revealed, received an odd message from her mother, who lives in China. Barna’s mother asked her to send her U.S. car license plate number, her phone number, her U.S. bank card number, and a photo of her ID card.



  1. Mainstream media and Hollywood are silent on communist china!!! Why? Activists, riots and every single march NEVER brings up china!! Why. Communist china currently in 2018 own slaves, yet nothing is said.

  2. When will Americans realize that China is our enemy just as much as Russia??


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