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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Left Targets Senator Tom Carper of Delaware

The socialist left has a new target inside the Democrat Party: Sen. Tom Carper (D-DE), whose September primary may offer yet another systemic shock to the Democrat Party’s already fragile establishment.

The stakes are high for a party that has been out of power completely for two years now, with Democrats on the other side of Capitol Hill seeking to retake control of the House of Representatives while Democrats in the Senate hope for less of a drubbing than the map of many red states with incumbent Democrats up for re-election would normally have in store for them.

If Carper goes down in September, it would electrify the leftist base of the Democrat Party against the establishment, perhaps even more so than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s stunning victory over House Democratic Leadership member Rep. Joseph Crowley (D-NY) in a primary in New York this year. Crowley’s loss was catastrophic to the establishment wing of the Democrat Party: He was seen by many as a potential successor to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, meaning his loss brought the resistance-to-Trump socialist-fueled left up close to the top House Democrat.



  1. Carper is an old career politician. He's sucked off the teat of the taxpayers long enough. I watched an interview with him on wmdt. Reporter asked him some simple questions concerning social issues, jobs and the economy. He talked around all of them, even when confronted about lack of support in his state and community. He was very arrogant, and looked like a confused old man.
    He needs to go and I truly hope he loses. He is definitely a part of the swamp that needs draining.

  2. The last thing any citizen in Delaware needs is another Democrat (any Democrat) in office.

  3. I liked Mike Castle a lot when he was governor,and Pete Dupont was really good.


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