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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Chelsea Clinton Says She Might Run For Office One Day

Will we have to endure a Hillary 2.0 for decades to come? Will we witness a "Chelsea 2032" campaign?

On Monday Chelsea Clinton caused a stir when at an event in Edinburgh, Scotland she said an eventual run for political office is a "definite maybe".

The former first daughter was in Scotland promoting her new children's book about activism and was asked about the possibility of politics in her future. Clinton indicated she has not ruled out an eventual run for office, referring to politics as a "definite maybe" but "definite not now" according to statements reported by The Guardian.

She further explained, "At the federal level, as much as I abhor so much of what President Trump is doing, I have a great amount of gratitude for what my congresswoman and my senators are doing to try to stop him at every point,” Clinton said, referring to Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.), Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.).

And she hinted at a future run for office in the following:

I think my family ... is being really well represented. But if that were to change, if my city councilor were to retire,if my congresswoman were to retire, my senators, and I thought that I could make a positive impact, then I think I would really have to ask my answer to that question [of whether to run for office].

“For me it’s a definite no now but it’s a definite maybe in the future because who knows what the future is going to bring?” she added.



  1. I need to hire someone to clean the coffee from my computer. Thanks for the laugh you freak!

  2. Sure, go ahead. then we can lock up the whole damn family.

  3. What the heck is a " definite maybe "? That sounds like something Dan the weatherman might say. Tomorrow is a definite, maybe chance of snow.

  4. She should run at the Kentucky Derby.

  5. Chelsea can run for "Train Stopper".

    With that face, she could stop a freight train.

  6. Big big mouth, just like her mother. Stay home with the kiddos and quit making an a$$ out of yourself

  7. No one cares about her or ever has she's the bad seed from a one night stand between Bill and Hillary. She's as relevant as they are, how many bodies does she have in her closet? She should just go away quietly since 2016 both her parents have been the poster children for murder, bigotry, racism, threats, and stupidity. Doesn't she realize how stupid she sounds and acts?

  8. Maybe she can borrow her mother's clothes.

  9. Thank you for that momentary visual. Ugh!

  10. 4:08

    I think she's the bad seed from Webb Hubble and Kankles

  11. She should take her husband and kid and RUN from her mother before she get caught in someones sights.

  12. HEARD TELL she is starting a new movie

    like the one we watched as kids
    MR ED....the talking Horse..."WILBUR"

    WITH HER TEETH.....Ms. Clinton is starring as the new MRS ED...the talking Horse.


  13. Oh, my. Gonna continue the Webb Hubble political dynasty is she?


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