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Thursday, August 09, 2018

It's Not Just The One Percenters

Liberals always seem to have something to complain about when they see anything positive towards the other side. We want you to know that it isn't just the wealthy people sporting these Trump Flags. We also want you to know that this isn't just an Eastern Shore movement. These boats are here from all over the United States.

A movement has been started and I can personally tell you that I ordered 500 TRUMP flags yesterday to continue the movement Mark Odachowski started.

More to come... 


  1. Flags across America!

  2. I got mine last year!

  3. Keep us informed please. Would love 2 of them. All should get 1 and let Hogan know our views are not his.

  4. My flag arrived yesterday via the Amazon link you provided.. 5 bucks delivered next day...

  5. Way to jump on the bandwagon and be original.

  6. I was at the marinas of Reel Inn and Sunset Grill last night, Trump flags all over the place! On boats, trucks, building balconies - just awesome!!!

  7. P*ssyhats are starting to worry...AND they should!


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