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Thursday, August 09, 2018

Chicago Democrat Pleads for Trump’s Help After Weekend Bloodbath

Chicago Democrats ought to put aside their partisan agenda and seek President Donald Trump’s help to decrease shootings, urges a state lawmaker who represents the city’s West Side.

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is showing the wrong kind of leadership by continuing to declare the city a “Trump-Free Zone,” state Rep. La Shawn Ford said in media interviews over the past few days.

“The mayor, he must take away the thought that Chicago is a Trump-Free Zone, because taxpayers deserve to have the president come in and bring resources to the community,” Ford said Monday morning on “Fox & Friends.”

The city is now “worse than the days of Al Capone” and “the bloodiest city in America,” he told Laura Ingraham on the Monday night edition of her Fox News show, “The Ingraham Angle.”

Ford’s call to action came after 66 people were shot in Chicago over the weekend, including 30 over three hours early Sunday, leaving 12 dead. Police reported no arrests.

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  1. Chicago burned its bridges to Republican assistance a long time ago. They're going to have to rebuild them if they want help.

  2. Isn't Chicago home to Obama and the biggest fraud of all Louis Farrakhan?? Let the bitch burn down

  3. Let chi town and California Burn.

  4. So true. Where is the community organizer Obama / Farrakhan / Sharpton along with the other so-called minister and his crooked son. They voted in destruction and re-elected destruction for years. As said before they made their bed they lay in it. They have to clean up their own mess. No Federal tax dollars to them.

  5. The killings and shooting only involve the bottom feeders of Chicago, let them kill each other and eventually they will be all dead.

  6. You fools have been voting this way for decades clean up your own mess. You want change then change it yourself.

  7. If you all were smart, and saw the opportunity to be kind and compassionate, then you would see that Pres. Trump could score major political points here. If he could just keep on script, that is...

  8. Typical Obama broken promises.how come it's all black on black? Cause the the whites are working! Lol GO TUUMP!!

  9. Soros will help you(NOT) , obama will help you (NOT) , clinton will help you(NOT), Mmmm , wonder who will help you?

  10. Oh don't forget that Chicago is where Jesse Jackoff came from and where his son Jackoff Jr. committed a crime and is now in prison.


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